Glamrock Freddy x injured!reader

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Theme: Comforting


Glamrock Freddy walked backstage after finishing a performance

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Glamrock Freddy walked backstage after finishing a performance. It was getting late, close to closing time and the bear could feel himself getting tired.

"Tired Freddy?" Glamrock Chica giggled as she walked towards him, nudging his arm. Freddy shrugged. "Yeah, getting there. But I think I'll stroll the Plex before I'm sent to charge." He smiled.

"But no one's out there to interact with, everyone's leaving now." Chica pouted. Freddy smiled. "I know, that's the point." He nodded as he started to walk out, the Plex becoming deserted as people left.

It was nice and quiet. Freddy felt the air soothing as he walked around, a S.T.A.F.F bot occasionally zooming by. It was another easy day, with the only conflict being toddlers throwing tantrums. He looked around while he strolled, his ears wiggling at any sound.

Then he heard it.

Freddy glanced around, scrunching his nose. The sound was familiar, like the cries from the children when they had to leave. But this...was different. It was quiet and it was faint. He stood still with his ears perked up, waiting for any sound.

There it was again.

Freddy ran towards the noise, near one of the secluded entrances to the Utility Tunnels. He quickly opened the doors and scanned the area.

A girl was lying on the ground, hurt and bleeding. Her face was covered by her hands but she was struggling to breathe. Glamrock Freddy knew he had to help her, and without hesitation, he rushed over to her side.

He gently kneeled to her side. "Are you alright?" He asked. "What has happened?"

The girl sniffed and looked at him. She stumbled back, letting out a soft cry. "Woah woah...easy. I won't hurt you." Freddy said calmly. He took a good look at her. She had a fresh scratch on her cheek, but it was much smaller than the one on her leg. It was bleeding badly...

"Oh dear..." He mumbled. Freddys' ears flattened and he sighed. "I'll help you right away."


Freddy quickly looked out into the dark behind the girl where glowing red eyes stared. "The Endos did this to you?" The girl nodded in response. Freddy let out an annoyed grunt, oh how he despised those Endos. The clanking of the metal grew louder as they drew closer. Freddy used the light from his scanning eyes to beam at them, making the endoskeletons stop.

He reached into his chest cavity and clicked it as it popped open. His claws reached in and with a loud rip, he tore off a piece of tablecloth from a party earlier that day.

"It's not exactly soft, but it'll help with the bleeding," Freddy said calmly. He glanced down at the girl for a second, wrapping the cloth around her leg. "What is your name?"

The girl took in a small breath, worriedly glancing at the Endos and back to Freddy.

Freddy smiled. "Y/N. You are very brave, do you understand that?"


Freddy looked back up and used his eyes to shine a light at the endoskeletons. "And you'll be okay...I'm here." Freddy glared at the endoskeletons and let out a deep growl. He knew the light scanning from his eyes wouldn't last long, it wasn't bright enough. The endoskeletons started to move again.

A small flash of red caught Freddy's attention. Near the side behind the Endos was a first aid kit. Freddy quickly stood up and slowly started to walk near it. The endoskeletons stared and followed his every move. They would move slightly due to the faint light, and the ones behind him started to move quickly.

Freddy quickly turned around, letting out a growl and slashing his claws at them as the light from his eyes started to flicker out. As fast as he could, Freddy pushed through the endoskeletons to reach the first-aid kit. The Endos reached out to him but he was able to shake them off. He quickly snatched the first aid kit and put it in his chest cavity, turning around and letting out a deep roar at the endoskeletons. Their robotic claws reached out to him, grabbing and scratching him as he pushed through.

An Endo walked closer to Y/N, and Freddy quickly pushed it away with a growl. He swiftly yet gently picked Y/N up and bolted out the door. He ran towards the nearest party room and ran inside.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Freddy asked as he sat her down. She let out a shaky breath but nodded. "Yes...thank you, Freddy."

Freddy smiled softly. "Of course. Now let's tend to your wounds." He reached out to Y/N's legs but then looked up at her. "Is...this okay?" He asked, motioning to her pants. She nodded, and then Freddy slowly pulled up the leg of her pants. The slash was deep and Freddy couldn't help but gasp a little.

"I am sorry that I didn't come sooner. If I heard you earlier—"

"No, it's alright!" Y/N shook her head. "I'm just lucky that you came to me when you did."

Freddy smiled a little as he started to tend to Y/N's wound. She winced, scrunching her nose. "What were you doing there, if you don't mind me asking."

"I was lost. My friend was leaving and I was going to say goodbye but I couldn't find her. I don't know how but I stumbled in there and..."

Freddy sighed and nodded. "I understand. Endoskeletons are dangerous at times, you saw it for yourself." He said as he wrapped the bandages around Y/N's leg. She nodded in agreement.

"There we go." Freddy smiled as he finished wrapping the bandages. "Thank you." Y/N looked up at him, making Freddy's eyes widen.

"Oh dear, your pretty face..." Freddy reached his hand out to Y/N's cheek where the scratch was. He grabbed a bandaid, unpeeled it, and gently placed it on Y/N's cheek.

"Pretty?" Y/N chuckled nervously. Freddy nodded. "Yes, very. Sorry if that comes across as too forward...but it's true. Here..." Freddy opened his chest cavity again and grabbed a marker. He started to draw on the bandaid and bandages with little stars, smiley faces, and hearts. He felt a little more connected with her as she didn't pull away, but smiled as he did so.

Once he had done everything he could for her, Glamrock Freddy sat down beside the girl and waited while she called for a ride. He knew that she was going to be okay, but he wanted to make sure that she was safe and sound before he left her side.

"They're here," Y/N mumbled. Freddy nodded and gently helped her up. He assisted her as they walked across the mall to the exit.

"Thank you again, Freddy, for everything." Y/N smiled. "Of course."

Y/N gently pulled Freddy down to her and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes went wide as he smiled sheepishly.

"I can't wait to see you again."

A/N: sorry i died lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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