CHP 5 : Say something.

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After get ready Naim open his drawer to check his cellphone,when he look at his cellphone,he surprised 5 missed call from Mia maybe because last night he feeling not good so he end up sleep early

"Amir mlm tadi phone aku bunyi kau ada tak dgr?" he ask Amir "Tak de mlm tadi,asal?" Amir ask him back. Naim text Mia saying "sorry" and he put his phone back to his drawer

At lunch Mia waiting behind DM place and as she thought Naim finally show up."Mia aku sorry dho,aku tido awal smlm" she feels odd usually he would ignore her call's or text

"Pelik jek kau ni,ada apa² ke?" he cooed "Aku sakit smlm" Mia smoke some cigarettes then nod she understands,he relief that she didn't ask much abt what happens

"Fakhri aku rasa kau kene berbaik dgn Naim" Ayam from nowhere he suddenly talk abt Naim "Kau ni tibe² jek,Ayam" say Fakhri after sip some his hot coffee "Yelah,i mean cuba bayangkan kalau kau berbaik satu hubungan kau ngan Naim mana tau boleh jd baik...kan?"
Fakhri stunned "And yg kedua, menifesto korang mungkin ehh jd damai sikit"

"Maksud kau?" Fakhri didn't understand "Haish kau ni, maksud aku tu kau tak ingat apa kau citer aritu kat aku" he nod means he remember it "Ok mcm mana kalau ego Naim tu lagi tinggi mau tak nyer dia bunuh kau nanti" explain him and continue eating his food "Naim,bunuh aku?"

"Yang oi,aku ckp kalau takkan Naim nak bunuh kau kan?. Aku ckp kalau sbb apa,org nak jd Kapla sbb nak kuasa,so kau pikir² lah ye" Ayam smile,he stand and leave him alone "Ayam,woi Ayam tunggu lah"

Fakhri can't stop thinking abt what Ayam says it can be true or maybe not,all over class he's eyes looking at Naim thinking something is wrong with him. No,he thought.
He feel stressed thinking abt what happening to him,to his own family why he need to face this kinda problems

Ayam notice Fakhri didn't focus,he feel bad abt what he said few hour ago he sign him "psst",Fakhri notice it then he look at Ayam.
Ayam sign him with his eyeballs looking at the whiteboard and back to him

After class,he feel guilty abt what his said "Fakhri kau terasa ke?" He look at Fakhri,he was smiling? "Ayam,apa yg kau ckp tadi tu,aku ada idea" . "Ha?" he confused "Tapi aku perlu kan pertolongan kau,please" he begs for his help "Ok,apa dia?"

Naim and Mia meet at the usually place,
"Kau ok tak?, semenjak ni tak makan kat DM" Naim light up his cigarette "Kenapa kalau aku tak makan kat DM pun?" Mia didn't answer "Kau takut aku racun makanan korang ke?" Naim chuckle "Tak delah,aku tak de selera,biasalah org sakit kan" then he smile

"Banyak songeh betulah kau ni" their eyes meet,Naim lost contact "Takpe ke aku lepak ngan kau ni?" he worried Mia father might mad at her "Takpe,ramai org kat dlm ber- function kan" he relief

"Naim,kalau kau ada apa² ckplah,pasal family kau skarang ok ke?" Naim sigh,he nod "Ok"

Nash note : Sorry for the short story i have an exam so it's kinda rush to write this.
Now I'm not gonna make Ayam died or something original scene supposed to be cause i can also Ayam is a important character so yeah he won't died :)

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