A Memory

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TW // slight internalized homophobia

{ Molly's POV }

Molly clung tightly to the small paper in her hands, re-reading it as she walked to the location it stated. 'To Molly- I have a crush on you. Meet me in the girl's bathroom? <3 :)' Written in very neat, pretty handwriting. She was honestly confused by the fact she found this note in her locker, and was fully expecting it to be a joke, but she went to the bathroom anyways. She opened the door and walked in, being confused to see that the only person in there was a girl leaning up against a wall, doing something on her phone.
"Hey, are you the one who wrote this letter?" Molly asked, causing the girl to look up in surprise, then quickly put her phone in the pocket of her jeans. "Oh- yeah! Hi, Molly..." She said, nervously fidgeting with her hands.
"You have a crush on me?..." Molly repeated with slight confusion, partly because they were both girls, partly because she had never seen her before. "Yeah, I'm Amy, I know you've probably never heard of me, but um..." She paused, looking down at the ground and pushing her hair behind her ear. "I've seen you in the hallways and at lunch, and... I think you're really pretty. My friend told me to tell you before I move schools, so sorry if you're weirded out by this." Amy said, then started to walk past her. "I gotta go, I just wanted you to-" "Wait!" Molly cut off Amy, lightly grabbing her arm so she didn't walk away. Amy looked at her with surprise and slight confusion. Without thinking about it, Molly leaned in and kissed her, quickly pulling back, unsure of how she'd react. Amy then leaned back in, the two kissing for longer. Molly had never kissed anyone before, let alone a girl, but if this was how kissing always was, it was a lot better than Molly had always envisioned.
Although, as Molly grew older, no one that she kissed had ever been like the girl she kissed in her highschool bathroom, and she had been in the back of her mind ever since.

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