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TW // divorce?

{ Amy's POV }

After a few minutes of sitting by herself in silence on the porch, Amy let out a deep breath and got up from the chair she was sitting in. She dropped the now empty can of soda in the outside trashcan before walking back into the house. She glanced over at the living room, the men scattered around the room sleeping seemed like they were having a kid's slumber party. Ethan was curled up in a ball in a lounge chair, Bob was sleeping on the floor with a variety of pillows and blankets around him, Mark was sleeping silently on the couch, and of course Amy knew that Wade was sleeping in his and Molly's bed. Amy turned her gaze to her boyfriend sleeping on the couch. After a while of thinking outside, she decided she did want to break up with him, it would be for the best. She was just worried of how he would react, since she knew he cared for her so much, she didn't want to break him. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked over towards the front door of the house, grabbing her sweater from the coat rack and putting on her shoes. Amy opened the door and stepped outside to the slightly chilly darkness again, and started walking down the sidewalk, wanting more time to just be alone.

{ Molly's POV }

As she closed the bedroom door behind them, Molly lingered at the door for a bit as Wade started to get into bed, then stopped to look at her. "What's wrong Molly?" He asked in a calm but worried voice. Molly tore her gaze away from him and to the floor. "Wade, I..." She paused. "We need to talk about something." She said with a serious voice. Wade slightly widened his eyes at the statement. "What, what's wrong?" He asked. Molly took in a deep breath. "Wade, I want a divorce" She spoke, making eye contact once again. Wade was silent for a few seconds, his gaze getting darker as he processed the words.
"A... a divorce...? Why? I- I thought we didn't have any problems, what's-" Wade started rambling sadly then cut himself off. She tore her gaze away from him again, putting her hand on the doorknob behind her. "I'm sorry, Wade." She said as she exited the room again. She shut her eyes as she shut the door behind her, trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes. Molly sighed as she opened her eyes once again and started walking away from the room. She looked up from the ground and through the windows, seeing that Amy was no longer on the porch. Her eyes then shot left as she heard the front door close, seeing a small glimpse of wavy blonde hair exiting the house. Molly followed behind, quickly making it to the door and opening it again, looking out to see Amy walking down the sidewalk. "Amy!" She called out. The blonde turned around to look at her with surprise as Molly continued walking out the door until she was standing in front of her. She started to feel very faint raindrops hit the side of her face. "Molly...? I thought you were sleeping, what are you doing out here?" Amy asked with a saddened glaze over her eyes.
"Me and Wade are getting a divorce" Molly stated, seeing the other's expression change a bit. "You're...getting a divorce?" Amy echoed quietly, Molly nodded and smiled. Amy bit her lip and quickly looked down to the concrete, the rain slowly but surely picking up. "I'm... I'm gonna break up with Mark." Amy announced, looking back up to meet her gaze. Molly laughed a bit and closed her eyes, opening them again to look at the other with pure love and happiness.
"Amy, I love you." Molly said, Amy then suppressing a smile and failing, the tears forming in her eyes being covered by the rain. "I love you too, Molly." She echoed. Molly then took a step forward and let their lips meet, the two smiling into the kiss. The rain picked up significantly, drenching their hair and clothes, but neither could care too much in the moment, the two just enjoying the moment as it is.

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