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Two years have passed since the Chimera Ants and, by extension, two years since Gon had to relearn his Nen.

Gon walked through the forests of Whale Island towards his home with Aunt Mito, which he also shared with Alluka and Killua, who'd recently come back from exploring the world.

When Gon's little house was in sight, he saw Aunt Mito through the window's glass panes. As usual, his peripherals observed every other detail with clarity characteristic of Enhancer sight.

Seeing Killua and Alluka talking in the corner of Gon's sight, he swiveled his head in their direction. As Gon approached the two, he quickly understood their conversation:

Alluka: "Nii-chan, I want to become a Hunter like you and Gon!"

Gon picked up on the brief shock on Killua's face but quickly diverted his attention to the smell of several other people on the small island. He spread his En out, something he'd become far more skilled in during his training for the past years.

Gon's training had worked; he'd mastered all the basic principles of Nen. Even Bisky helped Gon train to flip himself upright by expelling Nen through his hand in the one-handed handstand push-up. The training worked. His control was better than when he fought Pitou, while his strength was close to when he fought Razer.

The problem here was that the people on the island were much stronger than he. Aside from Killua and Alluka, the only people alive stronger than the trio were the Zoldycks, as the Phantom Troupe were all dead.

Gon sprinted towards his friends, teaching them in mere seconds.

Gon: "Killua! Alluka! Come with me!"

He whisper-screamed at them, urgency evident in his voice and expression.

Alluka hopped into Killua's arms since she couldn't run as fast as they could, and they ran in the direction Gon came from, away from the Zoldycks.

Gon: "The Zoldycks are here. And we're still not strong enough."

Even with Kalluto and Illumi dead, being Phantom Troupe and all, that still left Zeno, Silva, Kikyo, and Milluki. All of whom, save maybe Milluki, were stronger than Illumi.

Killua, being used to this, had made a secret plan with Alluka a while ago. This plan was shared with Kurapika, Leorio, and, of course, Gon.

Gon got his beetle phone out and called Leorio and Kurapika, saying the plan was happening, saying goodbye, and letting Alluka and Killua say goodbye before hanging up.

Nanika was summoned, and with the words, 'secret plan,' she immediately opened a portal beneath them, and they fell through space.

The three saw shining lights, glimpses of universes all around them before they saw the light underneath them, and they were falling through the night sky.

They fell for a minute through the atmosphere of the world they'd arrived in, before Killua saw lights and trees about a hundred feet from the ground.

Killua: "Gon, punch the air."

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