Chapter VII

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~ Brittany's Point of View ~

I left with Jean-Claude and Asher and eventually found a place that I could eat something so that I wouldn't get a headache or worse. After I ate they told me that they had a surprise for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Asher carried me while we flew. In my head I was so happy to be with them and felt safest when I was with them. I was also amazed at the flying.

"You will see Fleur Fragile." Asher said smiling a sneaky smile down at me. Jean-Claude smirked over at me as he flew near us.

After a while we came to an open field and I looked up at the sky and saw a falling star. We sat together on the grass and looked up at the sky as a meteor shower started to happen.

~ Asher's Point of View ~

It took only a few minutes to find a nice field clearing. We flew and I carried Brittany holding her close as I flew. "She's so small and fragile we must keep her safe no matter the cost." I thought as I looked down at her. I looked over at Jean-Claude and knew he was thinking the same thing I was, especially when he nodded at me indicating subtly that he was.

Once we were to the field clearing, we sat on the grass with her. We had her sit between us and each had an arm around. We loved her as much as we did Juliana, and it felt right.

As the meteor shower started both of us looked at Brittany, watching her reaction. I smiled watching her eyes shine as the stars fell. I looked over at Jean-Claude and say him smiling as well.

We both smiled more after we heard Brittany say softly, "Amazing and beautiful. But also deadly."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Brittany's statements.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

Asher and I smiled watching Brittany's reaction to the falling stars.

We both smiled even more after we heard Brittany say softly, "Amazing and beautiful. But also deadly."

I heard Asher chuckle at the statement. I shook my head chuckling lightly as well and smiled as I gently stroked her hair. I truly hoped that we would be able to keep her safe and with us.

All too soon the falling stars ended. And we headed back home to continue to spend time with Brittany. I carried her as we flew on the way home.

I felt her trace the cross scar on my chest gently and lightly. She seemed sad that Asher and I were physically scared not because of being scared but because of the cause of the scars. She hesitated but once we got home she showed us what had been done to her back.

I was stunned to see that she had whip scars on her back like I do from when I was human. Asher was as stunned as I was. We felt even more strongly that we needed to keep her safe and with us, even if it cost our freedom in return for her safety.

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