I'm sorry darling

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"Darling I love you. I'm just saying you need to but out of my life in some aspects!" We have been having this heated conversation/ mild argument ever since i walked in and saw him smoking in our dorm. He told me he had quit months ago. " i'm saying this cause i love you theodore, i'm not trying to control you i just want you to Please stop smoking. You are getting cough's all the time and im concerned!" 

He was getting more and more frustrated. "well stop being concerned and get out of aspects of my life that doesnt concern you!" he yelled and slammed our bathroom door, i heard the shower turn on and i let out a groan in frustration. I had enough of the yelling so i threw my clothes in the hamper, grabbed one of his hoodies and just climbed into bed, 45 minutes later the door opened and i heard him let out a sigh. He either thought i was asleep or acted like i was as he followed my steps in throwing on his pajamas ( boxers and sweats) and climbed into bed with me.

I turned away from him and snuggled closer to my pillow. "gorgeous please dont do that. Baby im so sorry about our fight. I was tired and annoyed yet i had no right to take it out on you when you were just trying to help. Please forgive me, i dont want you to go to bed upset with or angry at me."

I sighed and turned around but didnt let him hold me until i finshed speaking. "im sorry for prying in an area of your life that doesn't concern me but i just got really worried about you when i came in and saw you so sick." the memory of his coughing fit and hearing him struggling to breathe a few hours ago was terrifying then and now i still feel the same terror. It made me tear up and theo noticed even in the dark and he pulled me into him. "i know baby, god im so sorry darling and there's not an area of my life where you aren't the forefront thing. Your my other half and I need you. You are my life baby and I swear I will try and quit for you because I saw the look on your face when you saw me today and i never want to see you look so scared again."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay my lovely. Come to me baby. We are just gonna cuddle until you feel better."

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