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A/n; lemme know if I should make this a book

I hate my father with a passion, Drunk every minute, beat me everyday. Drag me to a death eater meeting every week. The dark lord is insane not to mention bat shit ugly. How does Mattheo look the way he does with a father like that, maybe his mom was a milf. I wouldn't know, she's dead; like mine.

Every time I have to sit at this table on a chair so un comfortable and pretend to be listening to this crap my mind drifts to her, I miss her so much almost as much as I miss the person who made me feel bye when I missed her this bad but I fucked that up. Bad.
I wad thinking of the last time we were happy together when a hard boot heel beat my shin. I clamped my fist to stop from making a noise but looked at my father, his normal look of anger and disgust stared back at me. He didn't have to speak for me to know that I had to listen.

"now for the reason i have called all of you. A 16 year old girl has had more sucsefful completions of her tasks then half of you combined. Im hoping she'll act as a kick start for you. If anything shes something all of you can admire or protect, considering she is a 2nd generation. Most of you still greive her father, after all Evan Rosier put most of you to shame." The dark lord spoke in his normal snakey whisper that sends chills down everybodies spine.

I looked to draco, not hard as he sat across from me and i saw the look of his alram in his eye as he nodded to the door. I recognized her instantly, i spent two years pining after her how could i not remember the only girl i love.

She remebers me , she held my gaze as she took a seat next to alecto carrow. As i suspected, her doe eyes held nothing but hate for me, I remeber the second they changed, from holding love and adoration for me to hatred and heartbreak and I dserved every ounce.

"A ravenclaw is not an death eater my lord."

"Barty crouch was a raven law, quirell. Petigrew a mighty Gryffindor and many others. Ravenclaws are intelligent and can certainly do a hell of a job with the right motivations and Ms Rosier certainly has motivations. The high and mighty made her a orphan and her carer hates her, isn't that right sweet y/n" he asked looking directly at her, her gaze left mine and locked onto You know who's.

"and they will pay for it." Every ounce of compassion was gone, she was cold, calculated, manipulative and had everyone hooked on her every word.

The minute the meeting was over she stood up, greeted narcissa with a hug and let her escort her to the kitchen, presumably for a cup of coffee as that's what she did for every young death eater after every meeting. As that included us Mattheo, draco and I left to follow them however Darco stopped me. "Lovegood's a Rosier? You dumped a Rosier, how stupid are you. "

"She never told me and you know dumping her was not my choice."

"Theo mate even if she didn't tell you, her fatger was evan rosier she still would of been a part of the bloodline. Pandora lovegood, Luna's mother and now y/n's aunt not mother was Pandora rosier." mattheo added quietly as we entered the kitchen. Y/n was sitting there on the table but the minute she saw me, she poured her coffee into a travel mug and left, thanking narcissa for letting her stay in the mannor from now on the way.

Hatred filled her eyes and I knew I had to talk to her. I can't have a girl like her hate me. Even though I knew she won't voluntarily talk to me. Why would she engage in conversation with me after the last time I broke her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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