Prologue - Rebirth

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Eva watched the wipers swish back and forth. She bit her lip and shifted in her seat. She hadn't meant to lose track of time and break the only rule her parents gave her - to always be home before the sun set.

At eighteen, Eva's friends thought it was silly and constantly teased her, but the idea of rebelling against her parents was foreign to Eva. She'd been raised a good Catholic girl and adored her parents. She believed if they deemed it necessary that she be home before dark they must have good reason, and as such she never questioned their judgement.

"Are you okay?" Mrs Henderson asked.

Eva nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt.

She didn't want to impose on the kind librarian any longer, she'd already helped Eva enough by driving her home.

Eva stiffened as Mrs Henderson touched her arm gently.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can have a word with them if you like."

"It's not that, there's a man in the road." Eva pointed.

"Do you know him?"

Eva shook her head, though she couldn't be certain due to the heavy downpour of rain, flooding the windscreen and the poor visibility of the headlight beams.

"Let me walk you to your door, just to be on the safe side then."

Eva's heart crashed against her chest, her instincts told her not to leave the car, that strangers were dangerous. Eva didn't want to infuriate her parents further by being later than she already was.

Eva opened the passenger door and waited for Mrs Henderson to join her. Side by side, they hurried down the path to Eva's. Eva's skin crawled with unease, she glanced over her shoulder and sighed in relief. The man had left.

Mrs Henderson let out a fearful scream as she was sent hurtling through the air and landed with a sickening crack on the hood of the car. Eva screamed as she ran towards her friend, but only made it mere inches before being captured in an iron grip.

Her assailant raised her chin with the crook of his finger. His sinister grin and soulless eyes petrified Eva. She fought against him. Biting, kicking, and scratching, desperately trying to gain her freedom.

"Be still my little pet." He compelled.

Icy fear spread through Eva's veins as her body yielded to the creature's command, as if he was the puppeteer and she the marionette. She tried to fight his spell and regain control, but her effort was in vain, her body kept her prisoner. Forced to watch silently as the monster pulled her strings and lead her up the paved path.

"Invite me in, Cherie." He hissed against her ear.

Eva begged God to strike her mute, tie her tongue anything to stop the words from leaving her lips.

God had forsaken her, her mouth moved to the command of its new master and spoke the chilling welcome.

No, she sobbed as her hand disobeyed her and pushed the door open.

Her father, still in his dirty overalls, was the first to see the panic which filled his daughters face.


Eva pleaded with her eyes, "Run!" she tried to yell. "Run!" But her lips remained unmoved.

With the speed of a hummingbird's wings, the creature extended his clawed hand and ripped through her father's throat like it was nothing more than butter.

Red rubies of blood scattered across the air and fell upon Eva's face. Her mother screamed and ran towards her fallen father.

Hugging his broken body, she sobbed. The demon came behind her rocking form. Sweeping her hair up into his fist, he yanked her head back.

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