Chapter 20

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"Be careful, hopefully the medical stuff is working. I'm um, sorry for stabbing you." Vanny told me. "What else?" I asked, jokingly. No, not jokingly- I wanted to know what else. "I'm sorry for that.. robot shit I put you through. To be fair William was more in control and um.. the whole mother and you being chipped? I'm sorry."

"Well I hope you're learning your lesson. Everyone is in deep shit right now. William is a terrible man that can convince people to do terrible things. Now for one, what the hell is even Glitchtrap??" I asked her. She only looked away in response and said, "Shit, I don't know either. I was wondering that myself." She admits, finding a door. She used her left hand to put in the code for it and it opened.

"Hun.. um. I'm sorry for what you're about to see." Vanny says, stepping in and turning on the light. There, I saw both Sun and moon. My eyes softened at the sight, immediately as I saw them I almost fell to my legs. "I know, I know.. I'm sorry."

"What.. what happened to-"

"I put in some coding for moon that Glitchtrap had complete access over. We can turn it on and off at will. As for sun.. I um. I turned him off." I walked over to the decommissioned sun. Bending down, I grabbed his hand. I held it firmly, staring at him. "I still love you." I told him. "Yea sorry about the mess."

"Seriously Vanny? Can't you tell I'm grieving over here? Sun and moon, they're my favorite people. And you were willing to ruin my life and hurt them in the process."

"My bad. Anyways.."

She stepped aside and went to a computer. She began doing something while I look back at Sun and moon. I look back at moon and held his face in my hand. I watched him stay still as a statue. I hear something turn on and look back at Vanny. Her messy blonde hair was more noticeable now.

"Here, it's on.."

"What's on?"

"This is something that'll fix both Sun and moon. Glitchtrap is.. such a judgy character. Honestly Sun and moon? We could've used these two, instead of one and- oh sorry y/n I forgot which team I'm on!-"

Vanny nervously laughed it off and picked up both Sun and moon, dragging their bodies to the machine. "This can work on two different people at once?" I asked. "Yep, subsection 1, and subsection 2. The first one is for moon, to block glitchtraps access to his body. We made this because once an animatronic tried to locate glitchtraps game and tried to kill him."

"How ironic.."

"The second one is basic, it's supposed to restore a animatronics body." Vanny explained, and placed them down. She started working on it while she motioned me over. "Okay, well knowing you repaired Bonnie's body, I'm sure you can do Sun too." She told me. "Well during that time, Bonnie was telling me what to do. I don't know shit!"

"The .. you don't have sun or moons body manual. Huh?" She asked. "No, Gregory has it last time I checked. He wanted to take notes on it and .. nevermind I- GREGORY?! Where's gregory?" I looked around, now getting my head on straight.

"He's okay, don't worry. I didn't hurt him, he's most likely kept still in the chamber." Vanny answered and began to go through moons coding. "Be careful.." I told her. "Trust me, I know what to do. I used to be a .. person inside existing in a game. With this stable body, I'm able to work outside. Y/n, here. Let me get you started.."

She explained to me how the machine worked. First off, we scanned suns body and did a quick test on his limbs and found what places we needed to restore. "I know this is hard for you y/n, but I can assure you that they'll be back to normal soon."

She pointed out a few things to me, aiding in restoring suns body. She went back to her own work, reverting moon back to normal. "Y/n.. be a dear and take a look at this." I look at moons coding. "What's a lunar?" She asked. "Oh, leave it, it's.. suppose to have moon be more pacifist towards children."


We finished and the doors opened for the two. "Alright, we just need to turn them on and they'll be up and running." Vanny once again took sun and moon and dragged them back to where they once were. She sat them down and turned them on. She backed away, pulling me forward. "I don't want them to be angry at me."

Her excuse made sense.

"Brother?" Moons eyes blinked open. The first thing he saw was Sun. He gasped and shook him while calling his name. ".. m..oon!! Moon I'm fine! I was just trying to.. to.. you. You." Sun pushed off moon and stood up. "You traitor! You fooled me and kept me from y/n! Just for us to be capture by Vanny and William and Glitchtrap! What about us?!"

"Sun, brother! I wasn't in control! I'm sorry! Something took over me and it controlled me, I wasn't conscious please!"

"Moon, you are fucking dead to me. I felt everything. I felt pain as you ripped me apart and called me your brother."

Vanny and I exchanged looks.

(Like this 😟)

"Brother, I'm so.. so sorry. It wasn't me in control. I was asleep this entire time. I'm so sorry brother, I'm really sorry and I mean it."

"Go on keep whining. See if I care, moondrop."

"Brother you know me well.. you know I wouldn't hurt you. I know you well, and I know you're upset and I'm so sorry for what happened. It was out of my control."

"Moon, you don't know Jack SHIT about me. Don't fucking start again with this oh! You know me Sun! You know I'm not a murderer! You know I'm your brother!- when you're really a fucking .. ugh."

Suddenly we heard crunching. We all turned our heads to see Vanny chomping down on popcorn. She opened some fizzy faz and chugged it down, burping right after. I gave her a look, gesturing to the two. "What? It's my lunch break."

"Vanny you're with us now.." I reminded. "Oh yea! Yea, uhh. Uh.. anyways you two done fighting? We need to rescue the others." Vannys food vanished within the air and she grabbed ahold of me, whispering into my ear.

"Do they do this often?"

"No not really.. they mostly bicker about what games to play with kids or what's better, pizza or coffee."

"Well I'm a hypocrite, coffee flavored pizza."

"Vanny.. honestly what the fuck."

"What?! Is she with us now?!" Sun yelled. "Yes Sun. I'm a really agreeable person you know. Come on guys, I know we're upset and angry but we can find a conventional time for this later. Please just.. work with us for now."

"Y/n! Did you get hurt, oh god.." Moon ran towards me, analyzing me and checking my sweet cut. "I'm okay. I think?" I look back at Vanny who only shrugged. "Sunshine you should be really be careful.. okay?" Sun told me, pecking me on my forehead and his hand trailing my wound.


"Can we please do a quick montage of rescuing everyone?"

"No we're just gonna end the chapter and we'll continue tomorrow."

"You mean the next chapter?"

"Oh yea."

"My stomach is killing me."

"My bad"

"The Star of Our Show" (Sundrop / Moondrop x Reader story) SEASON 2Where stories live. Discover now