First Kill.

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Oliver stood by the kitchen counter, getting the bread out of the cabinet as music played on his phone. When suddenly, he got a call from a random number. He looks at it, confused before picking it up. "Hello?"

"Hi Oliver." The gruff voice said on the other side. "Aren't you supposed to be on a diet? No sugar, no carbs? Peanut butter does have carbs; Mother wouldn't be pleased."

"How did you know I was making a peanut butter sandwich? Who the hell are you?" Oliver asked, putting his butter knife down in shock.

"Well, I do keep tabs on who i'm looking at." The voice said. "But that's not why I called you. I called you because I wanted to ask you a question; What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Why do you want to know?" The boy questioned, looking out the kitchen window.

"I'm the one asking the questions here. Now answer!" The guy spat on the other line with a threatening voice.

"Friday the Thirteenth!" Oliver yells in fear.

"Such a basic answer." The voice criticized. "It's a wonder why Lexy even took interest in you. I would say your body but your mother and father both would disagree."

"Ok, what the hell do you want?" Oliver questioned, demanding an answer.

"Hey! I said I was asking the questions, I just want to quiz you on your knowledge of your favorite scary movie. You better listen carefully, you little shit." The voice roars.

Oliver grumbled. "You know what, I have no time for this tonight. I'm already dealing with mental health and shit and i know this is you Ellis." He yelled.

"Fuck your and you can go rot in hell!" Oliver shouted before hanging up and slamming his phone on the counter.

After a moment, the phone rings again and again. When Oliver doesn't pick up, he gets a text message. "If you don't answer fucking phone one more time I'll find you and I'll carve out your insides like a pumpkin!" He read, the phone ringing again and he picks up.

"Did you see the text message?" The voice asked, innocently.

"Asshole." Oliver growled, the voice scoffing.

"Like you aren't? Now, i'll quiz you. If you get all correct, i won't have to go to your house at 9:30. When your mother comes home?"

"And if I get them wrong?" Oliver asked.

"If you get even ONE wrong, I'll do what I said. I'll go to your house and gut you and your mother and eat your fucking organs!" He says from the other line, yelling.

Oliver's brows furrowed in fear. "Fine! Fine. What's my first question?"

"Who was the first kill in the very first movie of the franchise?" He asked.

"Uhm.." Oliver paced a bit as he thought. "Pamela Vorhess?"

"Wrong! The franchise, Oliver! I told you to listen carefully. It was Alice Hardy!" The voice booms on the other line.

"Damn it." Oliver muttered, the voice still beeming nonetheless.

"Next question! Was Pamela a sociopath or a psychopath. Think hard on this one."

Oliver was silent for a moment, thinking about the chances of him actually getting the answer right.
"Tick, tick, tick, Ollie." The voice says, attempting to rush the boy.

"PSYCHOPATH!" Oliver yells, hitting his hand on the counter.

"Correct!" The voice exclaimed, giggling a bit after. "I'm guessing that's what me and her have in common. Last question, what his Jason's kill count?"

{BLOODLUST!} Jevon Ghostface AU (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now