Brother to one of the greatest QBs ever, How will he stand toe to toe with him. Will he sink or swim. Y/n has to navigate through relationships and family drama all while trying to push a once great organization out one of their darkest periods
The sight of Super Bowl LIV between the Kansas City Cheifs and San Francisco 49ers as it was set to be a great match up between two titans of the NFL. With MVP Patrick Mahomes and the star studded defense As Y/n turned off the hype video that the NFL instagram posted and put his phone in his pocket.
Dad:" Y/n I got someone who I want you to meet" he told his son as he walked over as he saw a very large man standing next to a girl of above average height
???:" Names Jason pleasure to meet you" he replied as Y/n shook his hand as it dawned on him who this was
Y/n:" Woah your Jason Kelce" he stated shocked at the man
Jason:" Well yes last time I checked and your brother is Patrick Mahomes" he stated to which he nodded
???:" Wait you and Travis didn't tell me Pat had brothers" the young women questioned
Jason:" Ellie I thought you of all people would know Y/n he is one of the best QBs in the nation" he replied to his sister
Ellie:" Wait where do you go" she asked the young boy
Y/n:" Texas, but you probably didn't see me that much this year" he said pointing to his ankle with a boot on it
???:" Maybe if you would have moved out the pocket you ankle wouldn't have folded" the girl replied as she ruffled his hair
Dad:" Jordan you can clown him later we have guest in our presence" he replied lightheartedly
Jordan:" Sorry dad, I'm Jordan Y/n twin sister you're Jason right?" She commented introducing herself
Jason:" Well nice to meet you both" he replied with a smile
Ellie:" So Y/n I wanted to ask could I interview later" she asked him
Y/n:" Sure but what for?" He replied back
Ellie:" So I have project from my internship at ESPN and we have to come up with a feature headline I was wondering if I could write something about you" she asked with a kind and gentle smile
Y/n:" Sure but I don't know what you could write" he murmured back
Ellie:" I have an idea something about Patrick" she replied as Y/n nodded in agreement
Y/n:" I mean he's done a lot for me and my sibling, so we can do something on that" he confirmed with her
Ellie:" Here let me give you my number we can talk about it more but we have a superbowl to watct" she told him as he took down her phone number and they began to watch
Confetti rained down all around Y/n and his family as they found Patrick celebrating with his teammates. Before he saw his family walking towards them.
Dad:" You did it I'm so proud of you" he yelled as they both hugged
Pat:" I couldn't have done without any of you" he replied with emotion filling his voice
Jordan:" I'm so proud of you big bro" she cheered as they hugged before Pat broke it and went towards Y/n
Greeting each other with their hand shake the brothers then hugged
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Y/n: " Never doubted you always the best" he cheered
Pat:" You gonna be here one day I know it belive you got it" he replied as they hugged