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A week ago if you had told me I would be wanting to see him again. I would have laughed but look at me thinking about having a little glimse of him after not seeing for complete one week from now.
Now here I am sitting in my balcony ans thinking about him.

You must be thinking what happened in this week that I want to see him .. right? Well seeing how desperate I am to see him. You must have guessed. he is no were to be seen ..

A week ago when he was in my house that morning I was pissed. I dint even speak to Ishitha that day
But now I want to see him. Like hell I want to see him. I want to know where he is and what he is doing. why?  I have no idea. I wish I could understand whats wrong with me.

That morning on the way to college. The smile which was on his face when he was having breakfast was gone. Then after dropping us to college its  like he's vanished somewhere. I guess he's way too busy to be in college, after all he is THE KELVIN PAREZ .

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and knew right away its my nanu, coz he's the only one who knocks before entering. Nani just ushers herself in no matter what m doing. So I said  "m in the balcony" without looking behind.

"What are thinking so deeply darling" nanu asked with a concern in his voice.

"Nothing nanu just thinking about this whole week in the college and How fast the time goes "

"Thats right, no one can hold the time just as they cant hold thier feelings for someone special" he said. Sometimes I really dont understand what nanu speaks so I turned to see him for more explanation.

He laughed and said " baby girl. You will know when time comes. Now stop thinking so much and come have dinner, sitting here and thinking about things wont help. Get up and do something for that what makes u think so much. Yeah?"

Again I dint understand anything what he said so i just nod. But one thing was right sitting here and thinking about Kevin is no good. I have so many things to do.

I got up and said " lets go then.even when I dont understand a thing what you said i try figuring it out. M starving. " I said tugging my arm in his and pulling him downstairs.

"That's what I thought. Lets go.." he said smilling.


" Ishi where is Jude? I dint see him anywere today." Even if m missing Jude coz he's become a brother to me which even when I have one of my own still longed for but my intention here is clearly to know about Kevin's wereabouts. Its lunch time and Jude always waits here for Ishitha but he was not here today. He even dint come pick us today in the morning. Me and Ishi came by bus.

"He's busy today. Kevin has come to collage and he has some work to be done in office so Jude's with him." she said without lifting her eyes from writing something in her notes.

Kevin is here .. I might get to see him today. God!  why m I so excited to see him. 'Because you wanted to see him. Stupid'  my dumb inner voice said.

"Kevin is here?" I asked trying hard to not  to show my excitement about it.

"Yup, he's not a regular student here so he comes by when he has some important thing to be done." She said again without looking up from her notes.

"Oh ". May be thats why I dint see him here this whole week.

"Elyana ..." I heard the voice from behind me. I glanced back and saw Puneeth Devadiga coming near our table. Puneeth is my senior by a year. He's wearing a light green 'Being human' shirt with a faded blue jeans. He is like what you can say as Tall, Dark and Handsome but totally not my type.
'Yes, coz your type is Kevin. Right?' Ah... this crazy inner voice of mine.

"Would you mind if I take a seat here?" He asked politely.

"Nope. Anyway I was bored with my company here. You might make my day" I said.

"Damn Right love, always there to entairtain you" he said grinning and taking his seat next to me .

I laughed he could be really funny sometimes.

"So what made you come and sit here today " I asked. He never sat with us for lunch.

"No Jude today El. That's why." Ishitha said matter-of-factly closing her book and looking at me for first time since the lunch.

"You are scared of jude ???" I asked Puneeth with a suprised look. I mean jude was highly built but he's not a type of person to be threatened about. Unlike his friend he's very easy going.

Puneeth rolled his eyes on Ishitha and said " m not scared of him or anything. Just saw you sitting here with her written something and so I thought I might join you to entertain you .."

"You dont have to enertain her. We are here for her " a very strong voice said behind me which I was so desperate to hear.

Looking back I saw him. Not the expression I had expected. he was .. angry??  may be the work which he had to finish today wasnt done I thought. He wasnt looking at me . his look was directed to Puneeth. Then the words he said sunk into me and I dint like it a bit .. he was being arrogant again.

" I will decide who will entertain me and dont
Not  you " I said firmly but as soon as I saw his expression I regreted it. For once I thought I hurt him but then he looked angry. Very angry .. what was he angry at me for? He was the one deciding for me... who the hell does that? Other than my dad that is.

"Right. You decide for yourself. Sorry " he said and left without another word.

I should be happy right he just admitted he was wrong and I said sorry. Like SORRY...  but why did it hurt me that he just left? what is wrong with me?

Puneeth turned to face me " Sorry I dint know they were here .. anyway I'll catch you later" he said and left the lunch room.

I looked at Ishitha but she just shrugged and sat on the chair and started written again. What the hell is goin on here. what the hell was wrong with me...


Sorry people for my late update .. I was so .. caught up In my life that I couldn't come up with the chapter ..

Anyway here it is .. I tried hard but this is what came to mind .

Right Now Elyana is very much confused about her life . What do you think about it

Please vote comment and love me ...

Love you all ..

Have a great great life ahead

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