
17 2 1

"So??? " we are in the middle of the class and Ishitha has been asking me about things happend between me and Kevin behind canteen and me being me I asked "So what??".

"Spill, baby girl. You have not stopped smiling since then".

"Since when?" I know what she is asking about but I just want to act dumb coz I m too shy to tell what happened.

"Oh stop playing dumb, El. Spill" Ishitha nothing but wispher yelled at me.

"Ms. Ishitha could you please stop disturbing the class and concentrate on what I m teaching? " thats our physics lecturer Mr. Kamath.

"Sorry sir" Ishitha told him and started scribbling something on the note and handed it to me when our lecturer turned toward the board.

'Spill already I m dying here'

God she's not letting this go. So I wrote her back 'fine! He asked me to be his gf' and handed the note back to her.

She read and "No SHIT" she yelled this time making every one look at us and our lecturer get angry.

"Ms. Ishitha" he yelled at her.

"Sorry sir, last time. I wont do it again." She said snapping out of her shock and apologizing to him.

"No I have had it enough! Get out of my class. You too Ms. Elayana" I looked at him shocked. What in the hell did I do? "I know you both have lots to talk and your clearly distracing my class so, GET. OUT"

"But sir" I started to say something to make me stay back.

"GET OUT NOW" he said it in such authority that me and Ishitha was out of the class within no time.

"What the hell Ishi? Now we have to stay out because you cant keep your mouth shut" I was angry not coz we were thrown out of the class but coz I have to see Kevin sooner then we planned and I wasn't ready for it. I dont know what I ll be going to talk to him about. Hell I dont even know if I can look into his eyes anymore.

When he kissed; I never wanted to stop. That was my first ever kiss and it was amazing and I was left wanting more. What if I see him again and I want to kiss him again? Will be the one desperate girl shown in all those chock-flick movies where girls will cling to thier boyfriends after one kiss? How m I going to react.

"Your dreaming" Ishitha said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Stop it Ish.. just where are we going now?" I asked a little irritated for no reason.

"Where else in seach of my boyfriend and ah! You boyfriend too" she said giving my shoulder a small bump from her shoulder.

"I never said I said yes" I said but its not like she doesn't know. Still, I blushed. What can I do? M too shy and this never happened before. All this is very new to me. All m thinking now is how his lips felt on me and how it moved. GOD! I dint even know what I was doing but it was heavenly.

"Now your blushing. Something other then being asked by him happened. And also its not like i dont know you. What is it? Spill." Is there anything she doesn't notice? but I m not going to telling her this.

"Nothing happened. Lets go" I said walking fast so that she would stop bugging me but she kept her pace with me still she was a little behind.

"Oh no, your not doing this with me. Now spill".

" not happening. M not telling you this." I said turning arround to see her and walking backward.

"That means something happened" she said and I wanted to tell her no but I bumped into him. I was about to fall when he grabbed me in his arm and hold me tight. His body felt too nice pressed to mine and I could smell his colonge and I love the smell of him.

We were staring at each other not ready to look away just yet. He was staring at me with so much affection that I couldn't name it. Everything arround me faded and it was just me and him. It was like nothing else mattered anymore I just wanted to be in his arm and stay there forever but would he be with me?? Even though I said yes, even though I want this with him m scared there wont be forever. But then, he's expression turned into something like amused.

"You know? I would have held you non the less if I just saw you so you shouldn't be doing this" by 'this' he means bumping into him. And I hit him very hard on his stomach and stood up staright. So much for liking him and he always tends to make me angry with his cockyness.

"Aw. That hurt" he said.

"Good, coz that was what I was aiming for" I said smriking at him.

"I really want to kiss the hell out of you and remove that smrik on your face right now. But I m gonna take my time with you. laters baby" he whispered getting too close to my ear. He voice held to much promise and I wonder what is it. And GOD! is there anyway he doesn't make me feel like this. If this is just the start how m I going to survive the rest?

"How come your out so early?" Jude asked Ishitha while we were heading to the main gate.

"El's fault, she couldn't stop talking about Kay in the class and Kamath got pissed off and sent us out of class" I hit her arm "aw" she said. Jude chuckled.

"More like you wanted to know what happened and couldn't shut your mouth for a little while longer" I said glaring at Ishitha for blaming me.

I could hear Kevin laughing silently beside me.

"Why are you laughing? Its all your fault that we were kicked out of class" I said to Kevin.

"Now what did I do?? " he asked faking innocence.

"Ah.. stop it now. Kay are we heading to office dropping them or what?" Jude asked.

Dropping us? Office? But Kevin said we would go out. Even though I dint question it I just looked at him and I dont know how but he kind of understood coz he said

"Got some important stuff to deal with but we ll go out later if you dont mind?" He asked me in a way that he thought I would be angry on him but hell why would I be angry? M too aware of his responsibility and m not going to be a problem for him.

"Yeah sure. But you got to ask granpa" I said not even realizing what I just said. That reality hits me hard now that i realize If granpa will know then my dad will know and if he'll know my freedom will be over. So I have to keep it secret atleast for now.

"Oh no I take it back".

"Take back what? You dont wanna come with me later? ".

"No I mean asking granpa. I dont want him to know yet" I say.

"You dont want to tell your grandparents? Why?"

"You dont understand Kevin. Just for my sake let this go".

"If that's what you really want. Then fine" he wasnt happy about it but I don't wanna let go of my freedom just yet. Let me just live my life for a little. then, one day they will now anyway.

"Thank you" I said and kissed his cheeck which inreturn got me a shock on his face followed by a smile. I smiled at him shyly coz I dint expect I would do it. Actually I was too happy to know that he gave importance to what I want then what he wants that I dint realise I was up on my tiptoes and kissing him on cheeks.

"I tell my grandparents that m going out with Ishitha and meet you outside".

"Again if that's what you want" he said smiling and opening the door of his car for me.

" Chivalry much.. huh?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Only for you ma'am. So take what you get" cocky bastard but he makes me smile anyway.

I know I was going to lie to my grandparents for the first time but I never felt anything like this before and I wanted this until it would last.


YUP! Thats all for 2day.. c you next week guys ♥420

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M looking forward to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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