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I watched kani walked in our room as i just got done unpacking our clothes as he got kamari and kimora settled

"Soooooooooo they okay"i asked as he nodded

"Yea but wasn't you a nurse or sum shi"he asked as I nodded

"Yea why"i asked

"I need you to clean some cuts and scratches on mari and check and make sure mora ok"he asked as i nodded

"They room down the hall to the left mari in front mora on back"he said as i okayed him

I went out the right room to the hall closet where i put my old nurse things in case some happened

I walked down the hall going to mari room first i knocked on the door hearing a faint "come in" as i did

When i walked in his eyes went straight to me as i smiled

"Hey kani told me you had a few bruises to be clean"i said

"Im fine"he said looking down on a phone

"Its not gone be long or hurt I promise i was a nurse fa two years trust me"i said as he sighed

"Ight"he said as i walked over sitting on the bed

"There not bad they only on my face and arms"he told me as i nodded

"Okay imma take yo blood pressure and then clean them up"i said as he nodded and i took out my blood pressure machine

I wrapped it around his arm  as i started it up

"So how old are you"i asked tryning to start a conversation

"14"he answered

"Well i heard you play basketball have you did aau"i asked

"No i never got a chance after basketball season and during football season i work to get money for me and mora ion have time for that"he said

"Well how about this"i said unwrapping his arm

"After this basketball season we gone get you i to aau and ill watch mora"i said as i saw a faint smile on his face

"Are you really married to kani"he asked as i nodded

"Yeah it's complicated"i said cleaning his bruises and putting bandages on the ones that need it

"Was you mad when you found out"he asked as i sighed

"Yeah very my momma already barely treat me like she birthed me but this made it worst but im thankful cause when he warmed up to me kani is a really genuine person and i love that bout him"i said as he cracked a smile

"Yeah he straight"he said as i wrapped up the checkup

"Look kamari i dont want you to feel uncomfortable or weird around me dont tell kani im tell you hut we are planning to adopt you guys and tht dont mean you have to look at me as your mother more like a friend im not gone force you to do anything you dont want to keep that in mind" i said as he stared at me

"Thank you kimouri fr this the first time someone besides kani and his family is nice to me people think im weird cause of how "soft" and quiet i am they only know me when im on the court but ion really care"he said looking down

"I was the same in high school but I avoided alot of fake friends and you really good at basketball from what i hear so when you blow up they come up to you say fuck them and continue on they wasn't there for you then but they are now so think of the outcomes of being quiet"i said using a cuss word which is rare

"Thank you"he said said as I finished up i was surprised when he gave me a hug

"You very welcome if they start hurting tell me ill wrap it back up"i said as he nodded

I stood up grabbing all my stuff

"Remember you can talk to me no judgments"i smile and he returned it and i walked out going to kimora room

Walking in she was laying in her bed watching peppa pig on the tv

"Hi mamas"i said sitting on her bed

"Hi"she said her voice was soft

"So kani want me to just check and see if you all good is that okay with you"i asked

"Is it going to hurt"she asked

"No but if it do just say a safe word"i said

"Ummmm pickle"she said jumping up like she just had a lightbulb moment

"Ok pickle"I giggled as she join

First i started with her blood pressure as it tightened i saw her face srunch up

"Pickle"she said as i held her hand

"Almost done"i said as I quickly let it untighten as i saw the blood pressure

"Ok next is easy you have no scratches or nun soo imma check your eyes and ears"i said as she nodded as i did the ears first

"Are you kani girl friend"she asked as i smiled

"Yeah i am"i said

"You very pretty"she said as i blushed

"Thank you kimora"i said as she smiled

"Okay im all done make sure you get good sleep cause tm imma take you and yo brother shopping"i said getting up with my things

"Woww okay"she said instantly getting under the cover

"Gn"i said

"Night ki"she said ss i smiled and walked out going back to me and kani room

I walked in see him laying in bed already with no shirt i walked to our closet taking my robe off and hanging it up before going to lay down

"Imma have two guards with yall tm"kani said as i got in bed and snuggled into his chest

"Mhm"I mumbled looking at the tv

"Do they go to school"i asked

"Yeah they just got out fa summer break mari finna be in highschool and mora finna be in pre-k"he said as i nodded

The rest of the night we just enjoyed eachother company and soon fell asleep

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