When stars align

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It's been 3 years,156 weeks and 1095 days and counting, since I've seen Emily. That bitch thinks that this is what they want. I know it's different. I know they haven't stopped looking for me. I know that they still care. I know Emily still cares. She wouldn't just drop me like a rock. She loves me I know she does. I love her.

Emily and I had a different relationship, the kind that I liked to walk from now and again because at times I didn't know how I felt. Now? Well now, I'm positive how I feel and I want Emily back but 'A' getting in the way of that and there's nothing I can do.

I always made Emily feel like her feelings completely were one sided but that wasn't true. Those kisses weren't just fro practice. I liked them. Her lips her soft, she was gentle when she kissed me. Not rough like Noel, Ezra or Ian.

I now lay looking up at the stars, there are so many, it's hard to keep track of which star's which. The sky is a deep shade of blue and in a weird way it reminds me of a swimming pool. Which reminds me of Emily. I smile to myself think of all the memories we had together, but laying under this sky reminds me of one in particular.


"Em!" I ran behind, chasing her down the school corridor. It's about 20:00, Emily and I managed to sneak away from this 'truth up' event that we were forced to attended. I didn't mind being dragged away by Emily because it got me away from Mona and Jenna.

"Em where are we going?" I stop halfway through the corridor a little breathless, I lean against the wall attempt to catch and spare breath I can before catching up to her.

"Come on Ali, it's not that far now.." She beckons me down the other end of the corridor. Her chestnut brown hair and her sparkling brown eyes, glimmered in the moonlight in some weird and wonderful way.

"Fine" I groaned out, soon picking up the pace of my running to catch up with her. She's lets out a giggle before sprinting off down the corridor. After another 5 minutes of running, stopping and panting. We find ourselves at the Sharks competition swimming pool.

"Em, why are we here?" I looked at her slightly confused for a second.

"If I told you we were coming here, you wouldn't have come with me" her voice became softer, almost a little fearful to say the least. I let out a soft chuckle before pulling her into a hug. The next thing I know I'm being plunged into water, with Emily beside me.

"Em!" I squeal, as I look down as my soaked clothes. She swims over to the pool edge in fits of laughter.

"I'm sorry Ali, but it was too tempting!" She manages to speak through the laughter. I swim over too her, putting a hand either side of her so she can't escape. I smile at her.

"Well I'm so glad you find this funny.." My voice came across quite sarcastic, I notice her stop laughing, she rolls her lips into her mouth trying to contain it.

The moonlight hits her once again, I can't help but stare at her eyes. I can feel the water moving slowly around us, and makes it almost the perfect moment.

"Ali, why are you staring?" I don't say anything, I just continue looking at her. I begin to lean in and she does the same. Our lips touch and it feels like magic. It feels perfect. Our lips touch like two missing puzzle pieces that have been searching for each other for years.

I move my hard to the back of her neck deepening the kiss, her hands fall loosely on my waist under the water. I slide my tongue across her bottom lip asking for access which she quite happily granted.

Our tongues fought for dominance which I obviously won, but not before earning a moan from her. I gave her one last peck before pulling away.

"Woah" she breathed out, bringing her hand to her lips, touching them. I smiled at her ever so innocently.


I lay underneath the newly formed stars smiling to myself about Emily. She's always been so protective over me, kind of like my own personal pitbull. She never let anyone hurt me, no matter what it took.

Even when I first disappeared she never gave up, for the first week I knew she would have been devastated, but it's what I had to do. I knew it had destroyed her, and I will never be able to forgive myself for it. I kept so much from Emily, if I ever saw her again I know she wouldn't trust me.

I've visited the all the girls once before but Emily I visited more. It's like I craved her.

Looking up at the stars from the kissing rock, I knew that this place brought back many memories, but this was a safe place for Emily and I, if we were ever upset or angry, we'd come here. I never understood why, but we did.


It was a Saturday and the girls and I went to Spencer's lake house for the weekend to escape all the momma drama. Sitting by the lake was; Spencer, Hanna, Aria, myself and Emily, not to be confused with the other people surrounding us.

Emily had recently found out Ben had been cheating on her with this 12th grader called 'Prudence'. She wasn't that upset however she was pretty angry about the situation. In walk Ben hand in hand with Prudence and I automatically see Emily freeze.

"Hey. Em?" She looks at me then down to the water trying to avoid any eye contact with Ben.

"Come with me" I tug at her arm, she lifts her self up. We begin to walk through the trees and find ourself beside a rock. The kissing rock.

"Ali, why are we here?" Emily looks at me with pleading eyes. I pull her down so we are both sitting on the rock. I stare at her momentarily.

"I saw how you acted when Prudence showed up with Ben." She put her head in her hands and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to be a downer, but I'm just so annoyed, surely he would have had the common curtesy not to bring her." I could hear her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Hey, em, look at me. You're not a downer okay?" She nodded in response.

"It's okay to be upset, especially when your ex boyfriends an ass. Emily you deserve so much better and I just wish you'd realise how special you are." She smile for the first time for hours. I leaned in an gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"If you ever feel upset of angry, come here. Straight this rock and let out any frustrations you have, okay?" She nodded and smiled at me once more.


I can feel my eyes welling up with tears but I can't help but think of all the memories I had with Emily. She was special but she never knew it. I never showed her enough. I hated myself for it.

Drifting off into my own thoughts, i hear rustles coming from the trees. I quickly lift my body from the rock, and hop on to my feet. The rustling continues and I see a figure come out from beyond the shadows. They were sobbing. Hard. The figure became a lot more clear.


"Oh my god" I breathed out, Emily shot her head up quicker than lightning. Her eyes widen before sprinting towards me and embracing me into a hug.

"Ali I missed you so much!" She sobs into my shoulder, I can't help but let the tears fall from my eyes. I hugged her tight.

"You have no idea how hard it's been to stay away." I pull away from the hug to see her mascara had run down her face a lot more than before.

"Why did you come here?" I speak softly towards her, wiping the mascara away from her eyes.

"I was angry with myself. I was angry that I didn't look hard enough for you. I was angry because I thought you were dead. I was angry because I stopped eating your favourite food. I was angry because I loved you so much but I never got to tell you in the right way" By this time mascara was running down my face as well as hers.

I cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly with passion.

"I love you Emily. Way more than you'll ever know."

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