Hinata X Kiyoomi

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It wasn't an easy decision for Kiyoomi. In fact it was probably the hardest thing he had to do in his 27 years.

Breaking up with hinata shoyo.

Before he could've made any excuse. But the only one he could make now that made sense and was true. Was that he would never love shoyo like shoyo loved him. Kiyoomi tried to fight the urge for longer than he cared. Giving fake attention, torturing himself knowing he was lying to a person he deeply respected. The guilt kept him up when his (ex) lovers arms wrapped around him. Every kiss tasted like a lie. Pity.

Kiyoomi knew shoyo knew. It was obvious in the way his eyes grew duller every time a kiss was broken the second it was started. An "I love you" was responded with a hum. The distance that Kiyoomi tried to place between them. But the blonde ignored it. Or rather chose to live ignorant. Just as Kiyoomi had. As the distance grew so did Kiyoomi's feelings. And then the time they spent together. Until the only time he and shoyo spent were at their job.

It wasn't that he hadn't loved shoyo before. No, he really had. He thought at least. It's just that the infatuation with the man ended fairly quickly. And once Kiyoomi spent more time with the blonde. The more time he couldn't lie to himself or shoyo.

It felt like a lie. A lie that he made to protect the other. Seeing him so desperate for love. His love. It made Kiyoomi feel guilty for not returning it.

It had taken till now for Kiyoomi to understand that the only reason that he "loved" shoyo was for selfish reasons. To ride the guilt.

Unfortunately it just made it worse.

And the only thing he regretted was not breaking it off earlier.

As the door clicked shut Kiyoomi walked forward and didn't look back. Not when he heard the sob of pain. And not when he heard the quiet barely there call of his name begging him to stay. He simply continued walking until he reached his car.

The guilt finally lifting off his chest letting him breathe again.

(shoyo's POV)

A deep breathe that sounded quite painful. Until the dark brown eyes that he fell for finally found his and uttered what he knew was coming for months. "I'm breaking up with you shoyo."


Not really.

Hurt. Very.

When he first met Sakusa Kiyoomi it was an instant attraction. The shit that you spend every breathing moment thinking about. Consuming in every aspect.

And he absolutely hated shoyo's guts.

It wasn't a rare occurrence. In fact it was more common than he cared to admit.

But distance makes the heart grow fonder. Or whatever the fuck they say. So shoyo continued pursuing Sakusa. Annoying him shamelessly flirting. Until high-school was no longer there and Kiyoomi went to college. Then it was the MSBY Black Jackals. And his love renewed. It was strong and he fought harder. "Love conquering all" in his perspective.

How naive of him.

To the point that not a day would go by when shoyo didn't think of Kiyoomi every second. And after continuously asking his black haired teamate out until he finally agreed. Albeit begrudgingly.

And from there he was doomed.

Because one date became two. And two became five. And five became ten. Until Kiyoomi finally asked him to become official. shoyo was fucking ecstatic to say the least. Like a fucking idiot.

Too in love to realize the only reason that Kiyoomi was with him was to please him.

For a while they were happy. Kiyoomi smiled and laughed. And kissed him with passion. Fucked him with love. But the shift was immediate and blaring to shoyo.

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