2 new captain

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*WARNING: bullying*

'Izuku Midoriya'

Katsuki could hear his heart shatter to pieces. 'No... No... I-it couldn't be... I-I didn't lose to that nerd, did I?' Katsuki muttered under his breath. He could hear his breathing getting faster by the second. Everything he worked for, every drop of sweat, every hour he stayed behind to practice, to show everyone that he wasn't useless, that he could also be capable of an important role went down the drain. He worked so hard for nothing. He lost...

'It would've been Katsuki, but his secondary gender is an omega. And that would make the team look bad. So, I have decided to make Izuku the team captain,' the coach added.

Katsuki tried his best to put on a fake smile. 'It's okay, I totally understand. But if you would excuse me, I need to go to the restroom.'

With that Katsuki left the football court. Once he made sure no one was around, he sprinted towards the bathroom. He could feel the tears in his eyes, threatening to spill out. Why? Why him? Why was this happening to him out of all people?

He ran into a stall, locked the door and started breaking down. All those efforts just to be treated like shit, just because of something he couldn't control or change. It's not like he wanted it to be like this. It's not like he chose to be an omega. Then why? Why is he getting treated like it was all his fault, like he had any sort of control over this at all?

It's been thirty minutes since Katsuki went to the bathroom. The coach was starting to worry. It wasn't like Katsuki to miss out on practice, he would usually never miss a second of it.

'Izuku, can you check on Katsuki? Since you're the captain now.' Izuku heard his coach call out.

'Sure coach,' with that Izuku put down the water bottle that was previously in his hand and went to the bathroom.

'Heh, I recognise those sobs. Katsuki, you waste of space, why don't you come out of that little stall and we'll have some fun?' Katsuki froze. He knew exactly who it was outside. He knew that he'll get a beating if he went out. He knew it. But still, out of instinct, he walked out slowly. His nose tinted red; his eyes still red an puffy.

'HAH! YOU LOOK WEAK AS EVER!' His bully, Axel, laughed as he saw Katsuki. Just when he was about to punch him, the bathroom door opened.

'Are you oka-' Izuku froze at what he saw. Katsuki sat on the floor with a bruised lip with blood dripping down, and a guy, whom he has never met before, with drops of blood on his fist, standing over Katsuki. 'What happened here?' He asked worried.

'Just beating up this piece of shit.' Axel said, as if bullying is not wrong at all. 'GET OUT!' Izuku screamed. Axel quickly ran away, afraid of the tall man, leaving Katsuki still lying on the floor inured.

Izuku walked over to Katsuki slowly. Scared that he'll frighten the injured male. 'Are you okay?'

'Do I look okay?' Katsuki replied with a pissed tone, looking at the floor, scared of what his rival would think if he saw him like that, injured by a weak punch, with puffy eyes after bawling his eyes out.

'I won't know if I can't see you,' Izuku replied. 'Just leave, it's not like you care anyways,' Katsuki stated, with no intention to turn around and face the green haired male.

'At least let me take you to the nurse's office.' All Katsuki wanted at that moment was to be left alone. He hated people seeing him like this. Seeing him broken. He felt so weak. 'Just leave me alone you nerd.' Katsuki replied, glancing at Izuku for the first time since he found him in the bathroom.

'Fine, but I'll be waiting outside. Coach is waiting for you to get back to practice.' Izuku added before leaving the bathroom.

Katsuki stood up and head to the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror. He ruby red eyes were puffy because of the crying. He got a bruised lip with dried blood on his shirt. His nose is tainted pink. He looked so weak and vulnerable.

He splashed water on his face and got himself together. He cleaned at much of the blood stain on his shirt as possible and wiped the blood off the floor and he went out. Ignoring Izuku's shouts telling him to wait up.

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