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"Ow I can't still believe that you're alive, like I'm meeting a ghost.." Tee said while checking her vitals

"Is she okay?" I ask Tee

Sam is lying on a bed she has a dextrose she needs it she lacked water in her body, she vomited the water everytime she drinks water due to dizziness..

"She's okay now no worries.."

"Thanks God.." I felt relieved

"This is the impact, her memories keep coming back.. flowing in her head day by day this is normal..she's going to be okay.."

"Thanks Tee." Sam's said like a whisper she even lost her voice..

I hate seeing her like this she's very weak, it's hurting me I want to make her feel better

"Becca.."she called me "come here.." she tap the space beside her

I walked closer to her and sat on the bed

"I already put her vitamins and other meds that she needs here.." Tee Said and put the little box on the table

"Tee..Coffee?" Nam ask her

"Yes I would love that.."

They both leave the room

I felt Sam's hand squeezing my hand, I look at her she's smiling

"Why? Do you need something? Are you hungry?"

She wave her head side by side

"Why you're so sad? I'm fine now.." she said and touch my face rubbing her finger on my forehead down to my cheeks

"I hate myself cause I can't even do anything to remove your sickness.."

"Come hug me thats what all I need from you.. just stay beside me.."
She pull my hand and she hug me
"This is all I need, I want to wake up seeing your face beside me.. you're my medicine Rebecca Armstrong.."

I lay beside her and hug her tight my arm is her pillow, I kiss her head

"Hep becareful you have dextrose.."I said

"I love you Becca.."

"I love you more.."

She lean her head on my chest
"I want this.."

She put her hand on my breast and squeeze it..

"Samanan.." I warned her

"I'm just kidding.." she whisper

"Good, if you're finally okay baby.." I kiss her ear and whisper "you will have me anytime you want.."

She hug me tight
"We better to sleep right now before I lost myself and I make love to you.."

I laugh at her

I kiss her lips
"Close your eyes now.."

"Sleep too okay?

"Yes baby.."

She smiled

"I'm happy...mmuah" she kiss me and hug me more

"I'm happy too Sam, sleep now okay.."

I caress her hair until she fall asleep


I receive a text...

✓ receive a text from: Nam

Go downstairs, Tee want to tell you something

I look at Sam

I slowly remove her hand and exchange myself to pillow


"Rebecca you are part of her trauma that's why her brain gets panic when you're not around.." Tee said

We're here at the living room and Sam is peacefully sleeping in our room

"She's sick because of me?" My tears can't stop from falling

"Don't think like that Rebecca." She said

"Becca she's been through a lot and you're the one who make her feel home and only person in her heart back's not your fault it's all just happen.." Nam said and put the juice on the table "drink this.."

"I keep pushing her away, I keep hurting her.." I cried uncontrollably "she needs someone who will love her while dealing to all her problems even JUMA died I can't stop pushing her away I hate myself so much.."

"Shh.." Nam rub my back "I told you idiot I wanna throw this glass on your face.." Nam said to Tee, she's mad at her for telling that..

I deserve to know

I feel so guilty

"If I only show my love for her back then..if I only forget the revenge of my brother and I to ruin Kirk this is not going to happen.."

"Shh Becca it's not your fault, all that is destined to happen.."

"Nam is right Rebecca, Sam is finally okay now.. don't think too much it's not good.. think about the present and my advice to you don't leave her until she gets better, for now she need all your support.."

"I remember what she said earlier.." I stop and breathe "she said I am her medicine.."

"Sshh Becca stop crying when Sam see you like this.. were dead I swear.."

I'm not gonna give her to her family

No matter what happen

I am all she needs, no one else..

"She's getting better now Becca..stop worrying okay?"

Nam hug me
"Drink this to make you feel better.. here." She hand me the juice

I drink it "thanks nam.."

"You're always welcome.."
She tap my head

I'm here at the terrace eating vanilla ice cream to make me feel more better , my heart can't stop from hurting


I saw Sam sitting up on the bed her gaze turn to me

"What are you doing there?"

I raise the cup of ice cream

I nod

She pouted

"Eat here." She tap the space beside her

"You want some?"

She wave her head side by side "I don't want to..come baby let's rest na it's very late.."

I put down the ice cream and drink the water and walk towards her, she hug me immediately

"Hey, you look like you cried? Are you alright?"

She ask

"Nothing baby.." I hug her tight


This is the continuation of chapter 25

The Game Of Love - Freenbecky Where stories live. Discover now