Chapter 26

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Sam's povs...

"Bonbon I miss you hmmm.." I'm hugging him he's tale is waving he's happy to see me too

We're at the living room with Nop

"I'm happy for the both of you.." he keep smiling

"Thank you Nop for bringing him here.."
Beca said

She put down the 3 glass of juice on the table and she sit beside me

"Di ako mag tatagal.." Sabi ni Nop

Napatingin kami sakanya

"May trabaho pa kasi ako sa probinsya ngayon.. mag iingat kayo palagi ah.."

He stand and walk towards beca
"Don't worry Nop I will take care for everything.."

Nop tap her head and he turn he's gaze on me

"I'm happy to see you.."

"Thanks Nop."

He smile and leave

"Hey stop kissing her bonbon." Beca tap his butt

"He really miss me.."

"Are you feeling okay now? Hmm no headache or--"

"I'm okay now beca you keep asking the same question since we woke up.."

She pouted

I put down bonbon and pull beca to hug me

"Stop worrying muah." I kiss her nose

I held her waist and put her in my lap
"Now tell me, you said you love me since we first met..I think I need to know why you hide your feelings towards me.."

She lean and rest her head on my chest
"You know what's the reason already.."

"What reason?"

"Because of Kirk , that's why you're father hate me.."

"Kirk deserves that, don't mind my father, you're the most important person in my whole life nothing else.."

She hug me tight

"Sam they are your family.."

"And you are my life, you're my family since then , you're my home Rebecca Armstrong, you're my everything.."

-----------Flash back----

Third person povs..

"Hey nerd, pasikat ka masyado sa teacher natin kanina ah.."

Nasa canteen sila nag la-lunch and Trixie put a juice in Freens meal

"Hey Trixie you're so rude to our new transferee.."

"Tss. Rona you're the one who put her bag in the trashbin earlier haha.."

Freen fix her bag at tumayo na
"I didn't do anything bad to both of you.."

"Hmm where do you think you're going? Finish your food.." Trixie said

Rona took a spoon and scope a rice with juice and point the spoon to her


"Hey what's happening hinahanap na tayo ni Rebecca may activity pa tayo.."
Yuki said when she enter

Freen took the tray with full of foods and slap the tray on Rona
"OH MY GOD" Rona scream

Yuki push Freen
"What do you think you're doing?"

Freen look at her
"That's the consequence of her action." Malamig na Sabi nya at lumabas na ng canteen

"You will pay for this bitch." Trixie said

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