Chapter 1- Talk your mind

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Class meet your new classmate Cassie. Please be nice and make her feel welcome to our family", announced Mr. Walters, the homeroom teacher.

Cassie looked around silently in the spacious classroom glancing everyone that sat with their eyes locked on her. However, Cassie noticed two students seated at the back of the class next to each other that didn't.

Why aren't they seated in a row like everyone else, do they have a desease or something, wondered Cassie to herself.

To Cassie's surprise, the girl looked up at her instantly with a smile as if she knew exactly what Cassie was thinking. Cassie knew that mind reading is impossible so she ignored the girl and glanced at the guy that sat beside her who seem to have no care in the world as he sat looking through the window.

He wore a red shirt that emphasised his sexy abbs and muscular body, a black pants that fits him perfectly and a pair full red Vans sneakers. From Cassie's point of view he is the sexiest guy she has ever seen, but she wasn't going to allow her infactuation for him to grow anymore than it already had.He had jet black perfectly cut straight hair that had a bit of wildness to it, considering that he didn't seem like the type of person to keep his hair neat with jell. He seem to enjoy having it blow in the wind and that made Cassie's admiration grew even more.

He's cool, she thought plain and blank, trying not to care. "Are you throu with admiring my big brother", asked the girl next to him as she stood. She has long black hair, shimmering dark green eyes and wore a lovely low cut red dress that suck on to her slender body, showing off her curves.

Awkward silence filled the room as the two girls steared at each other. the silence broke with Cassie's saying, "It is none of your business what i do, so wipe that hiddious smile off your gorilla face please and thanks".

At Cassie's remark all the studenst within the class made a dangerous hiss that informed her to watch her mouth. She knew that everyone was glearing at her but she deared not to loose eye contact with the girl who stood across the room.

Being the new girl again isn't Cassie's idea of fun because she missed her best friend very much and could careless what anyone had to say or do to her at this new school.

"Everyone calm down, its fine" said the girl with a smile trying to enlighten the atmosphere. "I'm Analease, nice to meet you too Cassie and i know that you didnt mean to compare my beauty to that of a gorilla. After all you think im beautiful," she added mow two inches away from Caasie.

"Please to not tell me what i mean from don't." Cassie informed her while feeling annoyed knowing that Analease was right but couldn't bear to acknowladge it.

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The day went by better than Caasie had hoped, she felt safe. This school is nothing compared to her old school Springfield East High, The students at this school tends to go about their own business at that made Cassie feel normal because at her old school every seem to dislike her very presense. They would always look at her in disgust, scorn her and when they do exchange words with her it was never anything pleasant and worth repeating.

'I do miss Emma alot", whispered Cassie as she walked earnestly around the school trying to find the cafeteria. "Who is Emma?", A voice from behind asked.

When Cassie turned around it was no other than Analease that spoke. "Still wearing that stupid smile of your huh?". Cassie scorned while turning around to continue her search.

"I love to smile, you should try it sometimes, instead of beuing all gloomy all the time", replied Analease gently. "You don't know anything about me ok, get that straight in your head. Its only been my first day and you think you know it all. Leave me alone!", yelled Cassie exhaustedly in the empty hallway. 

"wait before you go can you please show me the way to the Cafeteria", she added. "I was only trying to be a friend", Analease sighed. "Ok then, so can you show me the way to the Cafeteria?". The two girls stood silent for a while until Analease finally decided to speak. "Fine, its this way. I do wish that you would stop being so hard to talk to thou".


"It's beautiful" gasp Cassie as a cheerful smile appeared on her face. "Wow she can smile after all", teased Analease excitedly. Cassie ingnored he comment and looked around the beautiful garden like cafeteria. She noticed a large white fountain in the center that run red liquid which made it clear to her that it was not water. Maybe its koolaid poundered Cassie. This thought made Analease laugh so hard that tear ran down her cheaks. Everyone that was in the sound of Analease voice turned to look at her and smile even thou they didnt seem to catch the joke. Neither did Cassuie who just stood watching Miss Know It All.

Beautiful red and white roses were usead as a center piece within a glass vase for every garden table which also had four lovely comfotable white chairs with red cushions on them. To Cassie it seemed like Valentines day and just the thought of it made her upset more than having Analease around.

"Come on!" encouraged Analease as she tugged on Cassie's arm. They stopped at a large long boffea table that had different variety of food. Cassie could not remeber ever seen so much food in her life, she was speachless once again.

Analease smiled gentily as she watched Cassie's expression. She felt attached to Cassie like she knew her long before now. She thought she had to help Cassie but with what exactly. She has never once in her life been direspected by anyone apart from her long time best friend Melody, which made life interesting having Cassie around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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