How can I not love you?

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"You've been in a relationship for quite some time, right?"


"Have you done it yet?"

That's it, that was the question that got me thinking, since the day we kissed it has been 3 month and I am surely still virgin. I kind of know that I will be too nervous if my boyfriend aka Gun does something like that but I still want to feel how his body feels on top of mine, how melodious his moans sound——


"Ai'Tin, Stop daydreaming and answer, have you?" Asked Tiw, first annoyed and just a second later smirking while sitting on the cafeteria table.

That damn Tiw how dare he smack me. I couldn't say anything at this question, so I decided to ask him back. "We'll, have you?"

"What?" He asked in a nervous mixed with shy tone

"Well, have you done it with your darling Por ?"

"I asked first so you have to answer first"
"No, you"
"No, you"
"No, you"

"STOP IT ! are you guys kids or what" I heard a voice that was very familiar, a voice I wanted to hear the first thing in the morning before opening my eyes and the last thing in the night before closing my eyes.

This was a voice which brought a smile to me every time I heard it, my happiness.

"Tell me what are you arguing about." That is when I noticed that Tiw was also gulping his saliva from nervousness after hearing Gun's words.I turned towards the angel in front of me and saw that the angel's best friend was also present there aka my best friend's boyfriend. Oh, so that was the reason for the idiot's nervousness.

I was chit-chatting with Por that's when I heard a two voices arguing
I turned to look at the owners of the voice who turned out to be me and my BFF's sweethearts.

"STOP IT! are you guys kids or what?"

I had to stop the World-war 3 from happening so I asked for the reason of the fight

"Tell me what are you guys arguing about." I asked on mine and Por's behalf but just got too-nervous-to-speak expressions instead of an answer.

"Come on, tell me"

After some of their too-predictable lies , Tiw just decided to tell the truth

" Well we were talking if we are still virgin" I was so damn pissed, they took soooooo much time just to admit that they were talking about virginity. Well I know how shy Tinn is and that is the reason I don't do anything out of line to him,so that he won't feel uncomfortable around me . To me , Tinn is the most precious thing alive, if I could, I would have eaten him up till now and now seeing him talking about this kind of thing makes my confidence build up.

I spotted a rosy tint on his cheeks, the most beautiful site I have seen (Gun Guntawhipped Wongwittaya😂)

I turned to see the guy next smirking and whispering something to me

"Let me go take away his virginity"


"Let's go home to eat something delicious, love, I'm hungry"I heard Por speaking to Tiw seductively. And.they.left. Now I am left alone with the handsome guy.

I looked up to see a cutie with a faint blush and a slight open mouth.


I was mesmerised by the sight in front of me

"How can I not love you?"

* I completed the first chapter of my first fanfic .YAYYY🤌👬
* Yes, this is GunTinn not TinnGun and PorTiw not TiwPor
*This is my first fanfic so sorry if it is boring.

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