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After they had waited for around half an hour (more like ten mins) Fred said

'Well obviousley hes not going to come back, lets GO!' He was clearly annoyed and bored.

'Okay, then lets go to the common room!' George agreed.

                                               * * * * * * * *

'Blah blah blah blah, goblin wars blah blah blah' Proffessor Binns droned on.

                                                  BIRNG BRING

'C'mon quick!'

As the students packed up their stuff and walked out of the classroom the Weasley twins were already in the Great Hall and, considering that they like all their classmate had had History of Magic that was quite a feat!

They sat down at the Gryffindor table and, started shoveling in their food. That in itself wasn't unusal but if there was someone carefully watching them they would have noticed that the Weasley twins were shoveling in their food a little more urgently than normal. 

Proffessor Flitwick had a shrewd idea why but he wasn't going to sell them out to the other proffessors! oh no he too liked his fun.

As the Great Hall filled up the Weasley twins stopped shoving food in their mouths and waited patiently until the Slytherin table was nearley full.

Then George Weasley stood up on the table with a dish of mashed potatoe, (lovley sgidgy stuff sticks to clothes like you wouldn't belive) screamed

"FOODFIGHT!!!" and threw with all his might at the Slytherin table it hit a pale handsme boy with bible-black hair and olive green eyes who looked absouloutley livid at having mashed potatoe all over him. He picked up a dish of what was at hand which was incidently a boat full of gravy and pitched it at George, George ducked and it landed on the face of Hope Channing (a Ravenclaw) and she with all her friends started throwing things at the Slytherins and chaos insued.

A/N Sorry for the long wait but I didnt have much inspiration.

Hopefully next time I'll update faster!

Bye, Eve

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