Chapter one

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We are leaving in two hours even if I have to drag you ass all the way there" Alex says with her arms cross. I look at her and back at my book pouting.

Okay ill make you a deal I will go with you but I'm bringing my book with me and ill only dance one song with you" I said and Alex hold up her hand.

How about you can bring your book but, you have to first dance two dances and you need you drink one drink at least with me and you need to dress up" she said and I put my book down standing up and walking closer to her

Okay final over I can bring my book but no drink and I will dress up and dance with you until you get a guy and then you leave me in peace to read? I said and she nods and smiles

Deal, damn Hayden you drive a hard bargain now get ready." she said walking out of my room I sign and shake my head I cant believe I caved but, if I'm being honest we have been at it for twenty minutes and I just wanted it to end.

I walk to my closet and take out a black mini dress and some undergarments and some heels I need to put a effort other wise Alex will let me do everything over until she is happy. I jump into the shower and wash my hair and shave.

When I am done in the shower I wrap the towel around myself and exit the bathroom and sit in front of my dresser and start to blow dry my hair and put some curls in it when I'm done with my hair I do my make up I make my eyes smoky and put maroon lipstick on.

When I am done with getting ready I grab my handbag and put my book in my bag not a lot of people can read at clubs but I can and sometimes being in the clubs helps put the scenes in better perspective and I love it.

I walk to the living room and Alex is already there waiting for me she is standing in a pink mini dress that is showing her slim body perfectly and her blond hair is straight that is flowing at her waist "Wow you beautiful" I said and she smiles

Thanks you cleaned up well as well and I am so glad you put some effort in it" I roll my eyes and walk towards the door "Lets get out of here before I change my mind. Alex laughs and follows me out the door.

When we arrive at the club I see a line at the door I look at Alex and she just smiles and walks towards the body guard at the door " Hey Max it looks busy tonight special occasion or what?" Alex ask the our collage friend she smiles when he sees us and looks me up and down with wide eyes.

Wow Hayden you look good he looks at Alex shakes his head both of you guys look good, anyway yes the owner is here with a few of his friends and everyone want to see him so it busy but, you guys can go on through I know you wont give me any problems." we both give him smile and a kiss on the cheek and walk inside.

When we get inside I realise that it is very busy people standing in line, trying to get into the VIP room and the dance floor is pack as well. We move to one of the tables at the side that is empty and a waiter comes and we order our drinks I order a coke and Alex orders a cocktail. I look out to the dance floor.

I don't think you will need me to dance with you tonight there are more than enough guys here to dance with" I say and Alex shakes her head "No you promised and a deal is a deal we are dancing. " I sigh and nod my head a deal is a deal.

We get our drinks and I take a sip when a new song starts to play and Alex grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor I laugh at her cause I know she did it on purpose we dance for a while a feel someone watching me I ignore the feeling and keep dancing with Alex the song is over I move closer to Alex

Okay a deal is a deal I did my part now I am going to sit and read she pouts but nods and I smile move towards the table but I am stop by a guy blocking me " Hey sweat cheeks wanna dance?" I look at him and shake my head "No I am good" I said moving to move around him but he grabs my wrist and twirl me so that my back in to his front

"Come on you are such a tease dancing in the short dress you can dance with me" he said and I get annoyed at him I look up and see a couple of guys in the VIP looking over the crowd and one makes eye contact with me I look down at my dress its not that short and apparently this guy doesn't understand no.

I take a deep breath he leans his head to my neck I step on his foot hard with my heel and slam my head backwards when he release me I turn around I take his hand in twist it so his on his knee he curses at me I bend down so we are eye level " When I woman says no it means no douche I say and hit him in the face with my fist he falls back and I walk around him leaving him on the ground and walk towards my table taking out my book and start reading where I left off and I immediately start calming down.

I order another coke and start to live in the book if only there where a man like this guy William who is currently fucking Ella so hard, but now that is only in books can a man satisfied a woman like this. I look up and watch Alex enjoying herself with a guy and look down at my book again.

I feel someone behind me and turn my head to come face to face with the guy from the VIP area he is reading the book I slap it shut "Its rude to creep behind a person you know" I said he lift his eyes to me and I struggle to breath for a moment this man is extremely attractive.

His grey eyes bore into mine and he smirks " don't mind me it was just starting to get interesting" he says nodding to my book I give him a pointed look down at the book and back at him and smile. " why are you learning some pointers? I ask him and he looks shock for a moment before he smiles and drags a chair closer to me and sits down.

I raise my eyebrows at him, he leans closer to me that his mouth is by my ear " I do not need any pointers I know how to satisfy a woman." he says moving back but not away from me.

I laugh at him and turn and put my book in my bag and stand up he looks confuse for a second before he also stands up he is so tall that I need to look up to him I move my hand around his neck and pull him closer to me.

I whisper into his ear " maybe but I'm not about to be a hookup so find someone else" I said and take my bag and walk to the dance floor and tell Alex that I am leaving she nods and lets me know that she will be not home tonight I kiss her cheek and walk towards the door when I am stopped by a body guard.

Miss can you please follow me" I looked at him confused and he shows me to the hall and gestures for me to follow him. I follow him and he brings me to a office and knocks at the door and opens it and gesture for me to enter.

After I enter the office he closes the door I turn around come face to face with the guy again " really why cant a person just leave without being sent to the principles office" I mumble to myself. I hear him laugh and look up and he tries to hide his laugh.

Sorry, but I needed to meet the woman who beat a man down on his knees and just goes on to read a book like nothing happened" he says and I roll my eyes.

Okay you met her and she want to go home now am I excused? I asked and he nods " Sure you can leave I will let my driver drop you off" he says and I shake my head " no absolutely not I can get myself home thank you" I say turning and leaving him behind.

I am not going to let some guy let his driver take me home no thank you. I walk out of the club and say goodbye to max " Hey are we still on for Wednesday?" I ask him and he smile nodded " Yeah you bet ya around six right?" he asks and I nod smiling " Yeah see you" I say leaning up and kissing him on the cheek.

I get into the taxi and go home. That night I dreamt about grey eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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