Chapter 1

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Thomas bobbed his head to the beat of the music booming in his ear from his earphone. As he walked down the hall to his locker just like every other day people shouted to him "Hey Thomas!" Or "You the man Thomas". All he did was either wink, grin or give a wave. Just the usual. Sometimes it was people he didn't even know. Everyone just knew because he was the best cross country runner the school has ever had. He competed in the interstate race and came 4th out of 200 people. Thomas didn't like to make a big deal out of it, most times. Minho was waiting for him at his locker.
"Hey" he said leaning against Thomas's locker.
"Move" Thomas pushed Minho of his locker and opened it looking for his books. He was not in the best of moods.
"Nice to see you too" Minho huffed as he straightened his shirt. "We have practise this morning"
"Thought it was on the afternoon" Thomas slammed his locker shut.
"Nah changed it" Minho explained. "So you better get your ass ready for some running" he laughed knowing Thomas was probably gonna beat his lazy ass even when he was tired. Thomas groaned and the bell rang telling them to go to first period. Thomas groaned again, louder this time and walked to the big oval with Minho by his side.

"Okay boys today we have a student that's gonna take some photos while you run but don't be distracted they're just for the year book" coach Phil announced while the runners stretched they're limbs reading for a run. Thomas hated the short they had to wear. They were too short and bright red. Horrible. "What are you waiting for? Get running" the coach's loud voice snapped everyone out of they're daze and Thomas broke into a slow jog.

When he was on his 3rd lap around the massive oval he finally noticed the boy that was taking photos of them. He was blonde but Thomas couldn't see his face since it was covered by a camera. He wondered if he'd ever seen him before. Maybe. Maybe not. He jogged faster when he realised he'd slowed down when thinking about the blonde kid and the others were catching up. The blonde was at the finish line when Thomas finished his last lap and he saw the flash realising he'd been photographed. Flash in daylight? Thomas wondered. Photographers these days. He walked to his bag and and grabbed his drink bottle. Everyone else weren't even on they're 4th lap yet so he had awhile. As he sipped his water he stared at the blonde who finally put his camera down and sat on the floor waiting for the others to come into view. He pulled the grass as he looked down at his camera. Thomas guessed he was looking through the pictures. He walked over and tapped the boy on the shoulder. The blonde jumped in surprise and hastily stood up and stumbled backwards a little.
"Whoa calm down" Thomas tried to smile but he was too tired.
"Haha sorry. Guess wasn't excepting that s'all" the boy laughed. His English accent was strong and Thomas found pretty cool.
"Just wanted to look at the picture you took if that's ok" Thomas explained.
"Sure no problem. You have to see it before we put it in the year book anyway" the blonde handed over his camera "Here. Name's Newt by the way"
"Thanks Newt" Thomas smiled relived to finally know his name. Not just calling him blonde. He looked at the photo of himself. It was at an angle from the side. You could see Thomas crossing the finish line and the beads of sweat on his forehead and running down the side of his face since the flash made the sweat shine. So that's what the flash was for. His mouth was slightly open and his hands were balled into fists. The early morning sun was hidden by a tree in the background but the sun raises shone through the branches making it seem as if the tree was glowing. Thomas wasn't a photographer of any kind or really anything to judge his photo but if you asked him he'd say it was the best photo he'd ever seen.

"Is it good? do you like it?" A nervousness Newt asked.
"Liked it?" Thomas's mouth hang open. "I love it! This photo makes me look like bloody Jesus" they both laughed and Thomas handed back the camera. The other were close. They all crossed the finish line and Newt snapped a few more pictures. When all of the runners were breathing heavily trying to drink they're water, the coach called them into the changing room.
"Well this is where I leave" Newt said. "Bye" he waved and started walking away.
"Cya Newt" Thomas called after him. He had a smile on his face as he entered the changing room. But he didn't know why.

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