Chapter 2

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It had been four days since Spencer and Ashton had their first encounter at school, and it was safe to say that he hadn't given her a second look since. Spencer wasn't particularly hiding from him, she just didn't really feel like being embarrassed for the second time, by the most popular boy in the school.

It was Friday now, and the principle had made a really poor decision by deciding that every other Friday, the whole of the year would have health education, which was really just their way of teaching sex ed. Both Spencer and Laura made their way into the hall where they held this so called 'lesson' to see that there was only a few seats left. They both put their heads down and walked to the two seats on the front row.

Just before the teacher came in, there was an obnoxious high pitched laugh that came from the back corner. Spencer, slightly turned her head to see that is was Casey Adams, the girl who almost every boy had slept with. Ashton had his arm slung over her shoulders, in that corner also sat the popular girls, and Michael, Calum and Luke, otherwise known as Ashtons crew. It wasn't until she heard the familiar voice of Luke Hemmings saying "Take a picture, it lasts longer" followed by laughs that Spencer realised she was staring. She quickly looked away with heat coming to her cheeks, feeling like she was going to cry. The one thing that Spencer hated was having attention. She liked to be that girl in the background, it made her feel like she couldn't get hurt.

Laura shot Luke a glare and tried comforting Spencer. Just as they were going to leave, Mr. Evans, the sport teacher, walked in and told everyone to quieten down. Mr. Evans was probably the worst teacher to do this kind of lesson with due to all of the problems with his wife at the moment. However, that didn't stop him from teaching the year. The word 'Sex' was written on the board in big block capitals. 'Now, this is supposed to be a serious lesson, you are all old enough to know what these words mean, and you will treat this as if it is a math lesson, with pure respect and concentration.' Mr. Evans grumbled.

It was nearing the end of the lesson and Spencer had managed to not say anything or make eye contact with anyone. That was until Ashton piped up and said 'But sir, hasn't everyone had sex? Isn't it normal to have lost your virginity by this age? I mean, unless your name is Spencer Clarke' everyone turned in their seats to look at Spencer. As Laura went to say something to defend her, Spencer just looked and her and whispered 'he isn't worth it Laur, just leave it' with that Laura huffed in her seat and faced the front. 'There is no need for that Irwin, you keep talking like that, and you're on the bench for the next 4 games' 'but sir' Ashton tried, 'No buts Ashton, don't say I didn't warn you'. It was clear that Ashton was pissed as he was ignoring the blonde beside him, much to her annoyance.

After that, the lesson dragged as all lessons do on a Friday. It was finally time to go when she noticed a shy smile from Luke, she brushed it off and walked home with Laura. Spencer was fed up with people looking, pointing and whispering about her. 'All of this attention after two encounters with them' she thought to herself.

She really couldn't be dreading next week anymore...
(hey guys, it's Libby, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the chapters being short, I'm hoping they'll start getting longer as we start writing more, that's all I wanted to say, okay bye!!)

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed the upload, written brilliantly by Libby this time round! Honestly am really happy with how the story's coming along :) We really appreciate the support so far, be it votes, reads or saves 0:) Watch this space for Chapter 3, and give us your thoughts so far in the comments, or you can tweet us!

Thanks so much ;) Anna xxx

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