Chapter 5 - Graduate / New recruit

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On the 17th of August 2017, Emiko was chilling in the main building of the despairs, technically, she wasn't aloud in there yet, since she was only a trainee, but people didn't care because she was known and loved by everyone, people described her as "the future". One of the despair bodyguards came in, and took Emiko, not out of the main building, but to Junko's office.

When she entered, Junko and Tsumugi where waiting for her. Tsumugi Shirogane was just like Junko, except she wasn't lazy or a model. She did most of the work for the despairs, the hacking and coding was up to her. But, she could look like anyone she wanted to. When Emiko saw Junko, she wasn't happy, her and Junko where never really close, but Junko saw so much potential in Emiko, she couldn't loose her.

"What is it?" Emiko asked

"You do realize you aren't an official despair, you're not aloud in the main building." Tsumugi said

"You got bodyguards just to tell me that?" Emiko said annoyed

"No, smartass!" Junko said

"Actually, we think you've had enough training." said Tsumugi "We would like you to become part of the team."

'The team' was despairs age 15-20, once a war brakes out, they would be some of the fighters. There where 30, 15 girls, 15 boys. All getting deluxe treatment at the despair headquarters.

"But, I'm 13? Emiko said unsatisfied

"Be grateful you little shit. were doing this for your own good." Junko replied.

"Since your younger, you will grow up to be the best fighter in despair history!" Tsumugi encouraged.

"Despair history?" Emiko laughed. "The despairs aren't going to last forever you know, in a few years, when we get found out, do you know how bad my futures going to be? Its already ruined."

"But you will do it, for your safety." Tsumugi bribed.

Emiko stayed silent.

"Great" Junko said relived "You'll get your tattoo now, I wont have to see your face any longer."

Emiko forgot about the tattoo, it was a Fenrir with a number on every single despairs right hand, but what Emiko didn't know was that the tattoo contained a chip which would control her whole life.

After an hour, the chip and tattoo where in place, and she was officially a despair. 

"Despair #36782"

A year later, Emiko and Taro where walking back from school alone, when Taro confronted her about hiding a secret. He begged and begged for Emiko to tell her and after about half an hour, she finally told him, she told him about the despairs and what they were planning. Taro was surprised, but he wasn't mad, in fact he wanted to join, he said that he would become closer to Emiko. Emiko told taro how his whole future would be ruined. Taro didn't care, but Emiko realized that now Taro knew about the despairs, Emiko would have to tell Junko.

And that's exactly what she did, She walked into the despair hideout and went straight to Junko's office, avoiding any bodyguards who would notice Taro. When she got to the office, Junko went crazy, she was so mad at Emiko, but she couldn't loose her, not with her talent.

"Well, I think the only option is to train him and put him on the team, he looks decent at least." Suggested Junko

"No!" Emiko said "I cant do that to him, I wont let you."

"Emiko.." Taro said

"I love him, I love him, no please don't, blah blah blah" Mocked Junko "Look Emiko, you've Fucked us up, If he doesn't join us, you will die."

"Ill join" said Taro

"No?!" said Emiko, begging him not to. "you don't know what your doing!"

"your doing it, it cant be that bad." he said

"Listen Yamada, I'm guessing you two have school tomorrow, so both of you come after and we'll work something out."

Emiko sighed and led Taro out.

The next day, Taro was accepted and aloud to begin training. But Emiko couldn't help but feel guilty, she caused him so much future pain, he had no idea.

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