💞Movies in the rain💞 (Domino x Creamy Fluff Oneshot)

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(I said there will be oneshots in this book lol)
(Also, in this oneshot all the characters live in some sort of town/city and have their own jobs and stuff)
(Sorry if I don't get Domino's accent right-)
(This is humanized!)

No pov:

Creamy was in the living room getting ready to go to work, she was going to be late.

She was reading her favorite novel while eating breakfast and she lost track of time.

As she put on her purse she turned off the TV and left closing the door behind her.

It was a cloudy morning, the café was a bit far away from her place but she could still make it on time.
She opened the door and found Yarn leaving the kitchen

"H-hi, sorry i'm late!-" Creamy said exhausted

"Oh thank goodness you're here, we need some help, we have many customers today!" Yarn said

"Okay, just let me get ready!" Creamy put on her apron and got to work

Everyone got their own thing to do at the café, Mitten and Yarn bake lemon squares, muffins and other pastreis, Teabag writes down the orders and Creamy and Chocolate Chip take the orders to the table.

By the end of the day, when the sun seemed to starting to set, the café was already closing and almost everyone left.

Creamy was cleaning the last tables when Yarn was ready to go home.

"It was a very busy morning today, wasn't it?" Yarn said awkwardly, not having an specific topic to start a conversation.

"Yeah, it sure was" Creamy agreed.

Yarn grabbed her umbrella and looked out the window.

"Seems like it's starting to rain, so be careful when head back home, okay?"

Yarn was always so caring with everyone, including her employes.

"Well take care, see you next week!"

"See you!- Wait.. rain?" Creamy looked out the window, it started to rain heavily.

Creamy didn't watched the news this morning, she had no idea it was going to rain and worst of all she didn't had an umbrella.

Her place is a bit far away from here, there weren't any bus stops nearby and she didn't have a jacket to cover herself. She didn't like to get wet.

"Shit" She thought to herself, panicking a little.

She panced around the café thinking of what to do. She then pulled out her phone and called Domino.

They were really good friends for a while, but lately Creamy's been having feelings for Domino, it was a bit complicated to explain.


"Domino! Hi!" Creamy said cheerfully

"Hey Creamy! How's it going? He asked

"G-good! But um.. listen, I kinda need your help right now"

"Sure! What's the matter?" He asked, as he'd do anything to help

"So I'm still at work and it's raining so could-
H-hello?" Suddenly the line got cut off

Creamy looked at her phone a bit confused, did Domino just hanged up on her?


The battery's dead, she forgot to charge her phone last night.

Creamy placed her phone on the table. She sighed as she sat down on a chair.

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