My favorite star.. (Telescope x Nine Oneshot) Unfinished

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This was a request by sweetlemonmoths ! Sorry for not finishing it buddy-
(Nine goes by He/they/it and Telescope goes by He/him!) (Humanized btw!)


It was a warm night in the Blank Slate, most of the contestants were going back to their team cabins.

Telescope was still outside, taking notes of the stars and space. He's been studying astronomy for a while. Telescope's notes were spread around the ground, and he had a small lamp so he could see the notes clearly.

Telescope was fidgeting with his pen as he looked at the notes, he looked up at the sky, but there were no stars visible.


Telescope sighed, he couldn't take notes properly if there weren't any stars in the sky.

Telescope was too focused on the notes that he didn't hear that someone was approaching him from behind.

"Hi Telescope!"

Telescope yelped and turned around, he saw Nine right behind. He had their goofy smile on their face and its hands behind his back, acting friendly and silly like always.

Telescope sighed and placed his hand on his forehead.

"What the heck do you want, 'mind reader'?

Telescope said to Nine, he wasn't really in the mood for Nine to reveal any other 'fears' of his.

"I just wanted to see what my dear Telescope is up to!"

Nine tilted their head and looked at Telescope, then it saw his notes. Nine scooted closer to Telescope and pressed his cheek against Telescope's

"Uh- What the..? Nine! Get off!"

Telescope frowned, but he couldn't help but blush, he had never been this close to anyone for quite a long time. He didn't like when other people touched him or got too close to him, but he didn't seem to mind if Nine did it.

Nine looked at Telescope's notes, but it didn't seem to understand anything that was written there.

"What are those papers you have all over the floor?"

Nine asked and pointed at Telescope's notebook. Telescope moved Nine's face away from his.

"They're just astronomy notes, what else do you think?"

"Ooh! Can I see?"

Nine then grabbed Telescope's notebook and started flipping through the pages.

"Hey! Give it back!"

Telescope said angrily as he tried to get his notebook back but it was useless. As Nine went through the notebook they saw a doodle of Telescope looking at a starry sky. Nine's eyes lit up and then turned to Telescope.

"Did you draw this? You look so cute in here!"

Nine pointed at the drawing and smiled warmly, Telescope felt embarrassed since he never showed his drawings to anyone. Telescope snatched his notebook out of Nine's hands and closed it.

"Give me that! And I uh- I didn't..! Well I did but..! It's not good, I was just bored and doodled a little bit"

Telescope put his notebook and the rest of his notes away. He felt a bit bad however, he felt like Nine was going to say something negative about his drawing or even tell everyone else on his team.

"Bone draws stars quite well! You should go and ask him some advice!"

Nine recommended, Telescope's eye twitched, he'd rather be dead than asking Bone for art advice.

"Yeah, no thank you"

"But the drawing itself is really good! The little drawing of you there makes you look so tiny and cute!"

Nine smiled and his cheeks turned a soft red, Telescope blushed too, but heavily. He covered his face with his hand and sighed.

"Okay whatever. Thanks though.."

"No problemo, 'Scope!"

Nine made one of their goofy smiles again, showing its teeth and green tongue. Telescope looked at Nine, a little smile escaped him so he quickly turned away and looked up at the sky again.

(I worked on this oneshot like way back but never finished it sorry- Y'all can make your own ending if you want)

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