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Jason's alarm went off, screaming straight into his brain. He was pulled out of his dream and into the blinding sunlight that shined through his window and directly into his eyes. It was time to wake up, go to school, and live another day.


He pulled himself out of bed, and started getting ready for school. He went through his usual routine. Go to the bathroom, take a shower. Wash his face with cold water to wake up more. Get dressed, long-sleeved shirt, pants that don't smell. Brush teeth. Comb hair, if needed.

Now that there was no sleep left in his eyes, he went over his to-do list while he brushed his teeth. Bring those vegan protein bars for Vanessa that his stepmom bought and hated, ask Miss Erin for an extension on another project neither of them cared about, double-check math homework with Craig because he found an answer key online and needed the work to back it up. Maybe they'll sit next to each other, practically touching, and gaze into each other's eyes again. Craig will take his hands and he'll lean closer until-

Where the fuck did that come from?

Now he's slack-jawed, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror, with toothpaste foam dripping off his mouth, because he just remembered the contents of his dream.

As always, Jason's brain worked against him. This included when he slept. Common dreams included his dad walking in on him bandaging his arm, surviving the apocalypse through his nerdy scout knowledge, or running from cannibal-cult children living in the Creek. It would be easier if this was one of those dreams, because then could write it off as his unconscious being its usual anxious self. But no, it had to be the sappiest and sweetest dream ever, and in the realm of plausibility of happening.

They had been at lunch, in the school cafeteria, which was the least romantic setting he could have picked. They were eating together, sharing some food and words he couldn't remember, and it was nice.

That was it.

When described like that, it sounded boring as hell, but it felt like the best thing that had ever happened to him because of a backstory his brain provided. There was a layer of warmth drenched over the false memory, and the same feeling was present in other memories, too.

Jason knew he felt something for Craig by the way his heart stopped whenever they made physical contact, even just bumping into each other by accident. And he got weirdly giddy whenever the teen smiled. And he always wanted to spend more time with him, whether it was studying or at lunch or even bowling, because he asked Craig a while ago if he'd want to go bowling again, and even if no plans were officially made, he still asked. It wasn't just his unconscious self that made up scenarios, either. Jason would catch himself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him, touch him, taste him, imagining their bodies being closer than they ever will be. That's probably him being a generally horny teenager and latching onto anyone that gave him attention, but it was definitely not helping his argument.

He kept thinking back to that night in the woods, wishing it had been something more. He replayed the moment with more intensity than it originally had, changing certain details as if he could go back in time and bridge the gap between them. That was more than a week ago, and he should be over it by now. He'd been thinking like this since winter break, so he should definitely be over this entire crush by now. He barely had friends as it was. He did not need his overactive imagination complicating things.

Jason spat into the sink. It was only a dream. He had weird dreams all the time. They weren't required to mean something.

He went on with his routine. Pack lunch, leftover spaghetti that he cooked last night. Pack bag full of today's books. Almost forget those protein bars, and grab them from the pantry last-minute. Grab keys off his desk. Get out the door and get on the bus.

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