LEAVE ME ALOOOONE drunk as fuck bitch you dumb as fuck bitch you down or what

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(Content warning: drinking, drunk people, two people are said to throw up offscreen. Summary at end.

Chapter title is Leave Me Alone by Flipp Dinero. Its the best drunk yelling song i know, so its thematically appropriate. Also if you saw this before I edited the title NO YOU DIDN'T)

Even after Craig pressed him for information, Jason brushed off his questions of where he'd been yesterday. Instead, the only thing he wanted to talk about was Toman's party, which Craig hadn't even heard about until then.

"It's because mocks are over," Jason explained during class, when the teacher had her back turned. "So everyone's celebrating."

That motive made sense. Craig had crammed to hell and back for AP mock exams, enough where he was already dreading the real thing. "And you're going?" he asked.

"Yeah, why not? I'm always down for a party." He punctuated his words with a wavering smile.

His voice had a waver to it, more strained than it usually was. His eyes had been darting around the room all day, from what Craig had seen. His leg was bobbing underneath the table as they spoke. He was a bundle of more nerves than usual.

All Craig had to say was "No, you're not." for Jason to give him a guilty look.

"I need to get out of the house," he admitted. "Dad's work bullshit's every Friday, you know how it is. Anyway, I think you should come. There'll be drinking, but probably not everyone."

His eyes narrowed. "Will you?"

"Mocks are over, so hell yes."

Craig's mind was still going over the possible things that could have happened yesterday, because he had a sinking feeling that Jason was lying about being physically ill. Coupled with him getting possibly blackout-drunk at this party (Craig hadn't completely forgotten about the Kennedy's incident), and having heard even more stories of kids their age drunk driving home and crashing their cars since then, his heart told him to accept. He could keep an eye on Jason if he came. He could bend his own 'no house parties' rule for once.

Jason's smile didn't waver when he said yes, and Craig's worries were drowned in something else.

Craig lied to his parents ("he invited me" rather than "he told everyone his parents were out of town for the weekend and the volleyball team walked out with a bunch of beer from the grocery store") before he stole their car (took, with permission, but coupled with the lie it was basically stealing) and drove over to Toman's house on Friday night. How responsible of him.

Toman had greeted him at the door. The guy was so friendly despite being so self-absorbed and braggy. He was wearing his white sweatband on even though volleyball season was a month from starting. Gotta keep up appearances, I guess.

The house was decently sized, complete with a few sofas, a coffee table and a deluxe speaker system by the stairs. A couple people were scattered around the living room and spilled into the kitchen, and more continued to arrive in the coming hours. Jason had waved him over when he walked in.

"Nice place, right?" Jason said, and took a sip from his red solo cup. "I like it. Nice house. Nice."

It was not as nice as he made it out to be. The house was fine, but the party was lame, as Craig had predicted. Was there really no better way of socialization people knew of than getting drunk at some random classmate's house? There was a school dance in a few weeks that people could go to, why not wait until then? Also, do parents really not get suspicious when every child in the neighborhood was busy on a Friday night? Craig's alibi was definitely flimsy, since he'd previously badmouthed the host before to his family multiple times.

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