Story board #1

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I would like to present to you, a very old story, by me, called 'Mike meets the edge of the stage'. It is exactly what the title says. I don't know how long this will be so just be patient. 

(Mike pov:)

A person's worst fear, when on stage at least, is always the crud people who are just there to judge. Not to enjoy, only judge. It seemed like Ireland was very good at that. We were on our second tour of Ireland for a week. It was horrible weather and actually shit acustics because of the rain. Billie had us warned the night before the first show that we were going to be in this shit pit of cold and wet, but did I listen? Nooooooo! 

So it was nearing 8pm and Billie only had about one or two songs left. He had to drop down extra carpet to stop himself from slipping on the black wooden stage. He was bouncing around like a monkey on crack almost hitting me on multiple occasions, his jumper flying everywhere in the middle of it all. I was suddenly very envious of his jumper when the lovely Irish weather started to get even colder. 

My arms were shaking from the guitar having FREEZER LIKE strings, and I was only in a vest top! Things couldn't get any worse, could they? That was a rhetorical question because I knew the answer. Trè also looked like an ice cube too. I was really close to asking Billie to end the show and to just get a warm bath and sit in front of the fire with some hot chocolate. 

I suddenly realised that I had zoned out with my thoughts. You want to know how I figured that out? Because I herd my name being screamed!

"Take it away, Mike!!!" I instantly panicked. My hands froze up so not only did I have to do the outro to Bulavard of Broken Dreams with fixed power chords, I also had to do it at twice my usual speed! My brain was making everything my body was doing go twice as fast and I couldn't stop it. My chords were so fast that I could here Trè stopping the drums entirely so he didn't have to turn into a super human to keep going. People were giving me weird looks,but I really didn't mind. 

I started to space out again. My hands were still going sonic style but I didn't give a shit. I was snapped out of my trans by a hard slap to that back. 

"Wake up, Mike! We're still performing here!" Billie shouted. He gave me such a fright, that I face planted onto the ground in front of me. This is when I realised how close I was to the edge of the stage. I felt my hands moving in front of me to grab my falling body and I dropped 5 meters down to the hard concrete below.  

"Owww. . ." I groaned, hitting myself head first onto the ground. My face was bleeding and I could see the blood coming from my mouth. My chest also took a bloe because of my guitar having been underneath me whem I landed. My vision was foggy and my ears were ringing like crazy, buy I could make out two figures running over to me. The last thing I herd was Trè shouting at a guard to call the end of show before I felt my eyes closing and I passed out. 

-3 hours later- 

I opened my eyes slightly to see a bright light above my head. My mind instantly thought of the worst. 'Was I dead?!'. I groaned before I turned my head to get a better look at everything. Billie was sitting on a chair next to me, his head laying on the side of the bed resting in his arms. Trè was sitting cross leged, leaning on the corner of the wall, also asleep. 

"Billie? Trè?" I called out, praying for an answer.  Thankfully, I managed to stir the drumber from dreamland. Billie not so much. Trè looked up, still not full awake yet.

"Billie?" He whispered. "Is Mike awake yet?" He was completely oblivious. 

"He is, dumbo. Open your eyes." I replied weakly. 

He instantly shot up in his place when he saw me. Standing up, he walked over to where I was. I noticed he had red rings under his eyes. How long was I out for him to start crying. 

"You- You're OK? Right?" 

"Apart from not having a dogs whine where I am, yes." I looked him in the eyes. "Are you OK?" 

He didn't even answer. He just grabbed me around the shoulder in a tight hug. "We thought you were gone Bro!" He cried into my shoulder. I lifted the arm that wasn't attached into IV and hugged him back. 

"I'm OK now Trè. Don't worry. I'm right here."

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