Holidate Me: Chapter #5

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AFG Kink: Thigh Riding
AFG Angst: Public Sex


With the promise to meet up after the Stilinski twins talk to their mother, Thea and Theo head out, of course kissing their lovers before they go. Theo sends Stiles a wink that Stiles blushes at and then they're off.

Stiles sighs happily and startles when Stella clears her throat. "Oh, don't give me that look," he says.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she teases. "Someone had a good night then huh?" she asks, gesturing to his throat which is littered with bite marks.

"Shit!" Stiles curses. "We can't talk to matka like this."

Stella snickers and ushers her brother upstairs. "Let's get dressed and hurry this up."

"What's the rush huh?" Stiles asks with a smirk. "Miss your boo already? What has it been, five minutes?" he taunts good naturedly.

"You little brat!" she snaps without heat, a laugh bubbling up as she chases him up the stairs. They end up tustling until he forfeits. She rolls off of him and they lay side by side panting in the middle of the hallway. "As if you didn't start missing Theo the second the door closed."

Stiles blushes and sighs happily. "Fair. Touche, sis."

Neither of them says anything for a bit, both lost in thought but eventually they turn their heads to face each other. "Are you truly happy, Miecz?" Stella whispers.

"I'm beyond happy," he whispers back. "He's mine. I'm his and that's that."


After a few more minutes of just reveling in the events of the past few weeks, the twins push themselves up and head to their rooms to get dressed for the day and the coming conversation with their matka.


Stiles adjusts his glasses and takes stock of his reflection in the mirror. Today he chose to dress up more than down. Sure, comfy would be nice but he really likes this and well the one he has planned for later this evening makes his current outfit look casual.

He is wearing a wine red long sleeved button up shirt with the top several buttons undone, leaving his chest on display and of course the necklace from Theo is framed nicely between his pecs. Sometimes Stiles is still a little shocked he has muscles in his chest. He also went with medium gray slacks that cut off a little above his ankle. The look is completed as he tugs on black shoes with white soles and a fancy watch his ojciec gave him before Stiles left for Poland.

Taking several deep breaths to prepare himself for the conversation with their matka that he's anxious about, he leaves his room and heads to Stella's room across the hall.

She's just stepping out of her closet when he sinks down onto her bed. "You're looking a bit green in the gills, baby bro," she teases as she fiddles with the necklace around her neck.

"Not exactly shocking, is it?" he quips as he stands up and helps her fasten the golden star necklace. "I am so happy to finally be with Theo, but I can't help but worry that matka will be angry with me."

"Well, if she is then she'll be angry at me too," Stella replies.

Stiles shakes his head. "You're not the one who lied to her face. That was me."

Stella sighs, straitening her own . She's wearing a red crop top sweater that allows her gold belly button piercing to shimmer when the light catches it. She's not wearing heels this time, but black ballet flats and her hair is in a high ponytail.

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