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Not all celebrities like to put on a show or to go have their life in the spotlight. In fact, a lot go to keep their lives as private & personal as they can.

As social media goes to chip away at the notion of privacy, there are less reasons to ask why others don't want to be famous. We can only imagine the lack of privacy and what they do to protect it.

So here at US Weekly, we've gathered our top five
stars who go to extensive lengths to protect what's dear to them.

5. The Olsen Twins
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
Though, the two sisters do a handful of speaking appearances, they decline to show their faces in conventional media, which includes newspapers, books, broadcasts and television and radio.

4. Beyoncé
It was in 2013 that Beyoncé decided to keep an interview-free profile from the conventional media. Beyoncé granted one time only exclusive interview with Harpers Bazaar. "I've fought to protect my sanity and my privacy because, the quality of my life depended it on it."

3. The Weekend
He's the second most listened to artist on Spotify but beyond that, don't expect an interview or a talk show. The performer hasn't presented himself in the media for years.

2. Adele
When it comes to not listening to any of her recent albums, it's rare that any of us gets actual insight onto her personal life. Since 2015, she hasn't granted any interviews with the press.

1. Harry Styles

He's New York's 'it boy' being the youngest billionaire at the age of 26, turning 27 in a couple of months. He deserves his spot at the top of this list. Refusing televised interviews, journalists with no hesitation. No social media presence, he always has his lips sealed. With no intention of slipping anything out. With a rep of being known to get aggressive with the paparazzi if they get too close, rumors of using hush money, making anyone who tries to disturb his path something to regret.

He's not someone to mess with.


Sort of a prologue. However, before you reach the first chapter thank you so much for clicking on my story!!

Also, keep in mind. I am no genius!! Things in the book may be depicted differently than how they would be in real life and may not have 100% accuracy.  It's all fiction and all the characters/ personalities I've created for these characters are made up and do not exist in real time.

And also there are no face claims but if you really need a face claim I like to picture Mara as Sabrina Bahsoon!

The setting takes place in New York, 2021, Where we meet Mara and Harry.
And lastly, enjoy!

May contain mature themes

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