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It's been ten minutes and I'm still stuck to my seat, drowning in my thoughts. If he knows who I am, he won't do the article. If he remembers what I wrote. I won't even get a second of his day. I can see my chances getting lower and lower the more and more I think about it.  My odds are lower than anyone's.

He's never been kind with journalists. Especially with the ones that make him look bad. Even if it's rightfully deserved.

"Are you okay?" I hear Nicole's voice that startles me. Everyone has left the room by now and it's just me and her.

"What if I can't do it." I murmur quietly to myself.

"What?" Nicole asks. "What if I can't do it." I repeat myself plainly and I look up at Nicole. "What if I get fired and lose everything?"

Nicole looks stunned. She's always used to my optimism about a new project. Especially when we can get something so highly in return. It gets more competitive and more fun nonetheless but with what Claudia's asking. It's impossible.

Yet Nicole, taking on the big sister role, sits down with me. "But what if you come up with something amazing and win everything." She counters kindly and smiles, her words aren't rough but, more encouraging. Easing. Like I actually do have a shot at this.

"I can't even finish an advice column." My lips press in a flatline. "What makes you think I can do this?"

"You're just experiencing brutal writers block. Its normal." She shakes her head and reaches down to rub Buddy's head who lays by my feet.  "Besides, you need to stop stressing and start thinking about how amazing an opportunity this is."

"I haven't even written nothing good enough to make the front page— how am I supposed to write the best article this publication has ever seen?"

"I think they're just underestimating you because you're just an intern." She says. "But I know tons of people in this building whose drafts almost never get selected." She looks at Buddy whose still laying down with not one ounce of care in the world. "Do you think she's being a little crazy Buddy?"

His head lifts off the floor but I think it's more so because he thinks he's gonna get a treat. I groan out and Nicole laughs at me. "And if I try to reach out?" I mumble. "You don't think my name won't sound any familiar?" I look at her, raising an eyebrow.

"From what I know, he doesn't keep tabs on journalists a lot." She shrugs her shoulders. "You should be fine."

"I hope so." I murmur, even though I whole heartedly doubt it. If it takes him so much to craft and contain an image just like his. Then keeping tabs on people and businesses like ours is probably the most important part about it.

It's quiet for a moment and I feed Buddy a little bit of the granola bar I had in my backpack splitting it just so he doesn't pass out and people don't report it as animal neglect or abuse.

Nicole looks down at her phone before muttering a quick 'shit'. She looks down at me, too distracted petting Buddy. "I completely forgot about my deadline." She sighs. "My column is due in eight hours and I haven't even pin pointed any ideas down." She stands to her feet ready to get out of here before looking at me. "You'll be okay right?"

"Yeah, of course." I say as I pull myself off my chair. Buddy following suit and getting off the floor as well. "I still need to finish my column."

"You still haven't finished that?" She says in utter disbelief.

"No." I murmur, still embarrassed. "I need to hit myself with a rock. It'll take a miracle to even come up with something decent enough to make the page."

Deadline - Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now