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When I wake up I'm exhausted. After last night's event, I got home early. Because after I got Buddy to follow me it turned into a full on race. At that point I was sick of the rain and looking miserable. I wanted to be nice, cozy, and snug in bed, but when I finally got inside my apartment complex, sneaking buddy up the stairs and around the hall to my apartment..

It finally hit me how bad he smelled.

Then with a heavy sigh leaving my lips, rubbing my face. I knew I had to give him a bath because if he was staying with me—even for the night. He was not going to stay smelling like dry leaves and sewage water.

So after a rough hour of chasing Buddy whenever he jumped out of the tub, deciding to shake, and squirming from the hose in my hand, desperate to get away, he was clean.

However, when I wake up I don't wake up to the tranquil quietness like everyone else's morning. Instead, I'm met with yelling.

Something I'm sadly accustomed to.

"Joel?" I murmur, my vision hazy, as I rub my eyes, wondering how the hell did he get in my apartment.

At the other end of my bed, there he stands and as furious as ever. His arms folded and eyes piercingly dark. He looks like he just rolled out of bed too just by judging the wrinkles on his shirt and creases in his jeans which means he hastily put them on before entering.

First of all," I breathe, trying to maintain my composure. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I state calmly. "And second of all, I didn't realize 'live-by landlord' meant you'd actually be living in my apartment!" I exclaim.  Surprised he had the audacity to step in here and worse, when I was asleep. I had genuinely thought when it was in the terms & conditions, it meant he'd be across the hall or, at most, meant there'd be frequent check ups.

Not invading my personal space.

Joel practically scoffs, rolling his eyes to the back of his head when it's mentioned, making me livid that he doesn't respect privacy and the boundaries that come with it.

"So, you can't explain the elephant in the room?" He raises an eyebrow. The anger on his face replaced by confusion, which makes me grateful because I'll take that any day instead of dealing with his temper.

The first thing I want to say right off the bat is, "the only elephant in the room is you!"  With the anger coursing through me but I resist the urge. Thinking of a way to cooly respond.

"What are you talking about?"

"So you can't explain the dog?" My eyes widen and I suddenly remember Buddy is here, and in my room. I remembered being so exhausted after giving Buddy a bath last night that I didn't even bother trying to hide him.

I glance down to the side of my bed where Buddy lays. He hasn't moved or barked once. The one thing I do notice is the fur on his back that lightly stands.

He takes a step closer to my bed and a low growl comes from below my bed. If my eyes weren't big enough now, they must be saucers now the way I stare at Joel who looks read to kick him.

Immediately, I hop out of my bed and onto the floor petting Buddy's head multiple times. Attempting to calm him down. I look up at Joel who looks at us like we're gum at the bottom of his shoe.

"You know the lease agreement." He comments, a sick smirk forms on his face, his arms folded and I look up at him and gulp. My hand still running down Buddy's head gently.

"Your tenancy agreement strictly forbids pets of any kind." I look back at Buddy feeling the hope I had to look over him crumble inside me. Joel's right. Somewhere in some file cabinet is a contract of the terms and conditions of our lease agreement that I willingly signed with no hesitations or questions asked.

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