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In the middle of spring I awoke to the sun streaking through the window, brushing my cheeks with warmth. My black eye soaking up the most sun making it sting in the dusty light.

When I reached the grand hall Mr Tipsburg's eyes locked on mine, my heart began beating faster as he whispered something into Mr Robbers ear. He just nodded with no expression. Mr Tipsburg began walking towards me with posture and stance, I stood frozen to the spot. He grabbed my wrist firmly and harshly dragging me out the room, as I let out quiet squeals Mr Robbers gaze snapped to me. His face crinkled in suspicion giving his face a grim look as the wrinkles were exaggerated. To my horror his gaze slipped away as a child ran behind him crying for its mother. Or maybe it was its sister, I can't remember, I don't want to remember. I never want to think about that day again.

As soon as we left the room and were out of view, he grasped my hair harshly making my eyes water. My back hit the rough, scratchy surface on the wall as he pinned me against it. I began to cry as he began to kiss me softly, but it became harder, harsher. My body was tense. Every time he moved forward I pushed him away, but it was no use. Only one of my hands could fight him and the other was useless on its own. His hand griped tightly, the sharp nails digging into my skin. I drew in a sharp breath as the nails pierced my delicate skin in a perfect, straight line. The blood began to drip slowly from the wound to the tips of my fingers to the stained floor. He pulled back quickly, turned and was gone before I even noticed his body no long pressed against mine. I slowly slipped down the wall and hit the floor with my head in my hands, the blood just touching my blushed face. I thought about my options for a split second, jumped up and ran down the hall in a daze to get to the security and comfort of my room.

When I finally reached our small room at the end of the hall I plonked by self on the bunk. I stared at the ceiling where engravements scattered the wall, '1892 Susan' one read scraped into the soft paint. ' Katie was here' another said written in a thin black pen line. I closed my eyes softly and fell asleep. A while later down the hall I felt the clatter of footsteps awaking me, then the sound of voices rang and the door burst open. A few girls gave me interested looks, a few seemed even worried but most just walked straight past me to their own bunks without a glance. All the other girls had soon returned and the door had closed behind them and locked, all except one. Jenna. I called through the room, it echoed off the sides and I sat up slowly letting the blood return to my head. She was not in the room, I began to panic and banged on the door with my bare knuckle, in the distance a terrified scream pierced the silent air. All the eyes in the room raced to the door, but no bodies followed. I kicked the door over and over with my bare foot, I could feel the blisters and bruises forming. I couldn't stop. Before I could compose myself and think of another plan of action other scream hit me. Then only silence, eerie silence. I pressed my head and ear softly against the wooden door, trying to get a glimpse into what had happened just outside my reach. The other girls slowly turned back to what ever they were doing, but one girl kept my gaze. The girl who only looked about 12 tiptoed over to my side, listened to at the door for a few seconds then spoke,

'hello, umm... My name is Emma, your Jenna's friend right?' She said awkwardly.

'Umm... Yes, we came together last year. We're not related or anything though.' I answered not sure where the subject would lead.

'Oh, I see. I thought you guys were sisters or cousins or something!' She said in a humorous tone. Only to be greeted by my silent answer. 'So...' She carried on, 'Where is she then? Oh, and what on earth happened to your hand.'

'I don't know where Jenna is, I'm trying to find out.' I said kindly,

'And the hand?' She enquired again.

'Um... It was caught in a machine a while ago'. I said harshly, trying to act as casual as I could.

'Ouch' she twinged at the thought. 'Well... Nice to talk, I don't really do it that often, night!' She sweetly whispered as she skipped softly over to her bed.

'Night' I replied staying seated at the door. I needed to make sure Jenna was ok, I was not moving.


27 reads! Thanks guys! It's my first long book so not bad I thinks! I'm really sorry it was a long time since I last updated, I will try to update more now that I have more free time :)... The start to my new chapter will go up today! Soooo...Enjoy!

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