Tears fall...

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His lean hand gripped my stick like wrist as the tears fell down my face like a river. My mothers starved face peeped around the corner as I cried out in pain as my hand was slowly crushed by the man who showed no pity, no love, no emotion at all.

Thought the echoing, dark painted hall the bell rang. Through the corner of my eye I saw my pitiful mothers head turn, put down the cotton she tended to and left the room out of the large carved wooden door that seemed to cover the whole wall along with other women and children . As soon as the last child left the room Mr Tipsburg grabbed my hair and pulled my face close to his.

'You stupid girl! How many times do I have to tell you to SHUT UP?' His voice rang through the hall as my voice cowered and squeaked as hairs slowly began to be plucked from my head. He then grabbed my arm and flung me against the wall with much force, my head hitting with the most impact. I closed my eyes and counted to 100 as the foot steps trailed away in the distance. I let out a weary and weak breath, my heart beating out of my chest. Jenna who I had just realised was watching from behind her station ran over to my and lifted up my head tenderly.

'Bless you, are you ok Mary?' She panicked checking me all over for injuries. I felt her heart stop as she looked at my hand. My fingers were clearly broken, not to go into detail, it was the most disturbing thing I had ever seen. All my nails had split and bones stuck out where they shouldn't.

'When is he going to stop doing this? He picks on you I swear! It's not fair what did you ever do to him?' She was almost screaming now.' He does this almost every day and well, it getting worse Mary! You need to report him to Mr Roberts.'

'I cant Jenna.' My voice trailed off.

'Why?'She asked worriedly,

'I'm, I'm scared, it might make Mr Tipsburg hurt me again'. I whispered as she looked hopelessly into my eyes.

The next morning the bell rang through the cramped room. The windows rattled as the harsh rain hit the hinges. A young child cried to the left of me, my eyes red and sore. Me and Jenna had decided the story to tell Mr Roberts, the overseer.

'She caught her hand in a machine' Jenna would say calmly.

He would never know the truth. We would never tell. Mr Tipdburg had hurt me many times before and now, after last night no one would know how far he would go.

When we finaly reached Mr Robberts office tears streamed down my brused face. Jenna gently heald my mangled hand just below sholder hight, trying to calm me. As soon as we entered the room Mr Robberts face only showed horror. He was a gentle, kind man that just got caught up in the work house trade. He jumped up from his dark wooden chair and jogged over to me, his eyes wide with pitty. His over sized leather jacket bobbed by his sides as he moved. I slowly fell backward and hit the floor hard as I passed out.

Moments later I awoke to Mr Robberts looking despratly into my eyes, his hand resting gently on my tangled hair. I had looked at him before, but I never really saw him. The white of his eyes were pure, the black sparkled in contrast at the light. His skin was smooth and pale. Jenna ran over to my side as he healed my limp body in his arms. I relaxed and closed my eyes, to my horror at that moment Mr Tipsburg walked through the door just as I felt comfortable in Mr Roberts strong arms. I gave out a small whimper as thousands of worries filled my thumping head. My heart began beating faster and I tensed in his arms. Mr Robbers, who was obviously shocked at my action healed my hand softly and comfortingly.

'Why on earth, is she here?' Mr Tipsburg shouted into my ear.

'Get out of here Tipsburg, what the hell do you think you are doing? You have no right to speak to my workers this way, and with no reason! He shouted powerfully into his face, their eyes attached.

'What did she say to you? Sir...', He hissed quickly.

'She was caught in one of the sowing machines you selfish pig, now get out before I call security! He almost screamed

Mr Tipsburg's expression relaxed, his head turned silently towards mine. A sinister smile reached his lips, as tears fell down by bruised face he left the room. Now he knew I would do nothing if he hurt me. I didn't know it then, but this decision to hide the truth would hurt me even further.


Hey everyone!

I hope you like the start of my story! If you want me to continue please comment and vote! Thanks... It means a lot to me xxx

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