morning at the pack house ch.10

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Earlier that day, No ones pov:

Peter walks into a coffee shop and looks around finally spotting who he was looking for in the back.

"Hello Christopher" he says as he takes a seat across the small table there knees touching when he does.

"What's the matter darling you look stressed?" Chris asks in a worried tone.

"Nothing my love I just have a phone call with a old acquaintance that I'm not very fond of."

"What did they want?"

"Nothing in fact I called them"

" Why? What's the matter?"

"Nothing they just had some information that I needed. Nothing too serious."

"Ok good."

The next day, stiles pov:

I wake up and head to the kitchen and see sourwolf in the kitchen.

"Morning Der, where is everyone?"

"Asleep besides peter he didn't come home last night."

"I laugh to myself at the knowledge of where he most likely was." As I get my coffee.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, so you said everyone else was asleep huh."

"Yeah what are you doing?"

"Something that will wake them up." I say as I grab some pans from the cabinet

"Your not gonna bang the together and sing 'i ain't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all never gonna sleep cause of me' again are you?"

"No I'm gonna make them breakfast thank you very much. Besides that's only funny once."

"It's not funny even once especially in a house full of Were's."

"Excuse me it was hilarious for those of us who understood the reference." I say as I put the bacon in the oven. I've learned over all the times I've cooked for the pack that if you want enough bacon for everyone you have to make batches too big for the stove.

Ten minutes later (said in that one voice from SpongeBob):

"What's that smell?" Isaac asks as he walks into the kitchen.

"Breakfast now wash up and set the table, then wakeup cora and tell her to wakeup everyone else."

"Ok!" Isaac says excited even though it's six-thirty in the morning.

Pretty soon sleepy teenagers start to pile into Derek's loft and head for the big table that we usually hold pack meetings at, at least that's where they were the last time I was at one. Then peter makes his way into the loft and gets a bunch of groans from the other members of the pack when they smell what I assume to be sex on him, I just hope he washed the smell of Chris out. I give him a knowing look which get's a slight shocked and amused look from him.

"Morning zombiewolf sleep well?" I tease which is met with more groans from the others.

"Like a baby" he says laughing at the packs response.

We all sit down and look at Derek expectedly, once he begins eating they all turn there head's  to me.

"Um what."

"We're waiting for you to eat." Issac says.

"I know but why?"

"I don't know it just felt right." Erica said.

"Ok" I say not missing the look's both peter and Cora give Der.

"I've got to go I say once where done eating!"

"Where school doesn't start for twenty minutes? and it's not that long a drive." Erica asks as she and Cora fight over the last peace of bacon at the table.

"Too pick up Allison." I say as I grab the plate of it I hid in the oven since it already smelled like bacon and I new someone would start a fight over the last peace.

"Can I come too?!" Isaac shouts from upstairs where he's getting dressed.

"Sure but hurry up" I say as I grab my backpack and head for the door. I see Malia waiting by the door wordlessly asking if she can come too, to which I nod and open the door. She's been extra cuddly and close since I joined there pack. To which I'm not complaining.

Hope you like it, Sorry if it sucks :⁠-⁠)
Please let me know if I misspelled anything.

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