Chapter 2, The Gunman

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Chapter 2, The Gunman

When we got to Rowntree Park my mum and Belinda went straight over to a bench, Helena and Alex went up this rope climbing thing that was like a cone shaped spider web. As usual they had a race to see who could get to the top first, I just went over to the swings and sat on one of them, on the play frame next to the swings I could see five boys, they all had sunglasses on –even though it wasn’t sunny, also they all had beanies on covering their hair –even though it wasn’t windy. They were laughing, smiling, and generally looked like they were having fun, but I couldn’t help but be a bit suspicious, but they also looked somewhat familiar.

Then an ear-splitting sound, a gunshot. My heart skipped a beat as I instantly turned around to see what had happened. There’s a man wearing all black complete with one of those hat things that only showed your eyes, but this guy was also wearing sunglasses. He had a pistol in his hand and one in his trouser pocket. He was looking around to make sure no one ran anywhere. I could hear babies crying and dogs barking, even the ducks were making a loud noise. I looked over to the cone shaped spider web where I knew Alex and Helena were, Alex was holding Helena’s hand, they were about half way up the spider web thing but they both had a firm grasp on it, they were about 5 meters up in the air. Then I looked over at mum and Belinda, they were still sitting on the bench, frozen. Then I look back over at the gunman, he’s slowly turning round on the spot, looking around to make sure no one moved from where they were. Then he finally spoke,

“If any of you move I will shoot you dead, I have no mercy for anyone!” I looked back over at Alex and Helena, they both had their gazes fixed on the gunman and Helena looked like she was going to burst out crying, but neither of them moved an inch. Then I looked back at mum and Belinda, mum was looking at the gunman but Belinda was looking at the floor, she also looks quite pale.

Then I hear a slight movement from the slide which was about 3 meters away from me. I looked round to see one of the boys dangling from monkey bars but his hands were slipping. I then look back over at the gunman who has his head facing in my direction. I then turned back to the guy on the monkey bars, he didn’t look like he could hold on for much longer but I could see one of the other 4 boys very slowly shuffling towards him to catch him when he fell. I then look back to the gunman. He was now turning around slowly on the spot so that he could make sure no one ran off or anything. Then I heard a soft ‘thud’. I looked back around and the guy on the monkey bars had finally fallen and was now standing up and looking around to make sure the gunman had not seen him fall. Luckily for him he hadn’t. I then heard a yelp and I quickly turned around the guy who was on the monkey bars looked like he had something in his finger because of the way he was holding it. I then turned around to look back at the gunman after I heard another gunshot. The gunman had shot into the air again and now had his head looking towards the guy who was previously on the monkey bars. I could tell, even through his sunglasses, that he was narrowing his eyes towards him. The guy who was on the monkey bars then shuffled nervously in his spot, he then looked over at me. He did look familiar, and I felt like I should recognize him. Then it happened...

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