New rookies in the black bulls

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The portal user named finral opened the portal for Nagi and meguru who are the new rookies. The base was lively as usual which always means utter chaos. Luck and magna we're sparing and broke a vase yami then walked up to them. Stop breaking everything! Yami said while clearly doing more damage by punching the wall but at least it got luck and the other's attention. Yami then cleared his throat ok listen up behind me are new rookies you can come out yami then moved over and Nagi and Meguru came closer .vanessa came closer to the boys aw their adorable! Vanessa eyes sparkled as she played meguru's hair which made luck send a death glare at vanessa. Vanessa sensed luck's glare is something the matter luck asked Vanessa luck then stared at vanessa for a second then said he's my cousin and it bothers me that you touch his hair. Vanessa eyes widened along with some of the other Black bulls and meguru's  eyes what? Since when did you have a cousin and how was I supposed to know! Vanessa said with hint of anger but mainly confusion in her voice. Luck then frowned sorry vanessa I guess I'm a bit of overprotective. Vanessa smiled it's okay I'm not mad

After introductions and meguru and luck catching up on life (since they didn't get to see each other as much as kids) it was time to go to bed I mean tomorrow started their first mission as magic knights.

To be continued

(I will do the missions after we see what goes on with the other squads)
Sorry my chapters are going to kinda lazy especially when I do them in school

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