Nagi visited his mother's squad (bonus 1)

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Quick a/n i decided what I was going to do for this chapter so you don't have to pay attention to the last post

Nagi then was walking to mothers squad to see her and maybe reo if he isn't on a mission that's when nagi saw my mother Dorothy moving stuff into her glamour world so I decided to approach her.  
Nagi greeted her with a simply hi mom and Dorothy went to give nagi a hug. Dorothy then broke the hug she then began to speak and said reo's in his room if you want to see him.
nagi then nodded and was lead to reo's room. Nagi then knocks on reo's door and reo opens the door. It's been a while nagi how are you reo, then gestured for nagi to come in and nagi comes in. nagi then replies I'm okay the black bulls are kind of rowdy bunch but are good people.  Isn't there another newbie in the black bulls.
Nagi then looks up at reo you must be taking about meguru Bachira he's a little crazy but he is related to the cheery berserker apparently there cousins.
Reo then looks at nagi with a fascinated look that totally makes sense.

After hours of being with Reo, Nagi decided to say goodbye to his mother and her squad.
he then made his way back to the base of the black bulls.
After a long time Nagi finally got there and opened the door to reveal Luck and bachira talking about who knows what .
Nagi then made his way to his room and decided to lay in his bed.

Next part will be luck and meguru just bonding after that we'll get into black bulls and the other squads training. Then a kind of surprise for the chapter after that which might be the final chapter but I'm not completely sure yet about that.

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