CH AU Explanation + Headcanons #2

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AU Explanation:

❀ CH's don't really follow or have a specific religion but at times you'll see them favoring a religion depending on the number of people in a country who seem to follow a main religion.

❀ CH's don't exactly hate other CH's because of things they have done or if they are enemies but there are something that can be seen as unforgivable. Such as the Rohingya crisis that Bangladesh had to face and it was a sudden problem for the country leaving huge stress for her and the people. Some CHs' tend to hate the other for their own reasons.

❀ CH's will get injured or badly wounded due to natural causes such as earthquakes, tornadoes or any natural problems since they are somewhat tied to their lands.

❀ CH's don't get sick or die from illnesses. They pretty much suffer from any sickness that spreads in the country depending on how bad it has spread. China had to suffer from Covid way worse due to his country being the main source.

❀ Organizations also come into existence pretty much out of nowhere as well but unlike the CHs' and SHs' they are born as full adults.

AU Headcanons:

❀ Mauryan Dynasty is an old ancestor of the Mughal Siblings

❀ Israel and Palestine are step-siblings. Indonesia is somewhat of a step-cousin to Palestine.

❀ Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire are brothers and sisters, making Turkey, Iran and Iraq cousins

❀ Palestine sees Qatar as an older brother figure.

❀ Alaska knows how to speak in Russian since he was a Russian state in the past before being given away to the USA.

❀ India used to have wings during the Mughal period but after the British took over, she lost them during a struggle

❀ Poland's real parent and sibling is the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Lithuania. After his death, Poland and Lithuania became a part of the Russian Empire. After the death of the Empire, Poland became it's own country and was taken in my Czechoslovakia, making Czech Republic and Slovakia her step-siblings.

❀ Indonesia, PK# and Timur Leste are the children of Majapahit and Zamrud

❀ Malaysia and MPaja are the children of the Golden Chersonese and Malaya

❀  Philippines, Martial Law and Del Pilar are the children of KKK and Perla

❀  Argentina and Uruguay are siblings

❀ Khmer Empire and Kingdom of Cambodia are the parents of Cambodia

❀ Thailand's parent is Free Thai

❀ Dhaka and Chattogram are sometimes mistaken to be twins. Both of them are traumatized divisions.

❀ Mymensingh is the like the youngest division in Bangladesh so she's pretty much lucky to not have witnessed what went down in the 20th century unlike the rest of the Divisions.

❀ Lho Mon is Bhutan's father. They didn't get along well in the past.

❀ All the Slav countries are siblings/cousins to each other.

❀ The Nordic countries + Greenland are siblings. Iceland and Greenland are twins.

❀ East and West Germany are separate CHs! They did not fuse and become Germany. After the wall between East and West fell, East Germany collapsed and West Germany became Germany as we know today.

❀ It's the same with the Korean Twins, North and South except they are alive and separate.

❀ Other than South Vietnam and North Vietnam (Vietcong) since South Vietnam fell and North Vietnam became Vietnam as we know today.

❀ USA and CSA (confederate sates of america) are twins. CSA was killed by her own twin brother, USA after the American Civil war ended moments after she lost the war. America doesn't like mentioning her or bringing her up after everything that happened.

- A/N -

Yeah decided to share the second batch of headcanons today! have fun reading! ^^;;

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