𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏- 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏: Ace of Spades

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PP fluid all over the floor, blue fire spreading throughout the facility, and burned card ashes in the air. "So- *cough* this is how you want it to end, huh Yena?" said the one in blue, with an upside down heart on his cape. "You of all people should've seen this coming, Morning Star." said the other one in red, with a diamond on his cape. I try to crawl away, but the shining card's ability is still in effect on my bones. I blacked out.

16 days earlier...

"Great! I'm gonna be late for role call! Major Grayson is gonna be pissed when he sees me!" I rush out the dorm door, and make a dash for the training yard. I reach my arm out to grab the door knob as it swings open, with Major Grayson appearing before me.

"Cadet Litcher, I've been expecting you." said Grayson, staring at me with a death stare.

"Uhh, sir-"

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" he begins to scream in my ear. It's so agonizing, like nails on a chalkboard.

"I was- uhh- in bed sir-"


"I may have accidentally overslept, sir!"


"Yes Major!" I rush to the line with the other cadets before Major Grayson tears my head off.

In the training yard were at least 40 other cadets, the same rank as I. Grayson walked through each row, yelling as he took each step. Suddenly, he stops in front of a half black, half white haired young man.


"My name is Rizongoku Sison, sir. Acquaintances call me Rizon for short. My emitter is Kami. It allows me to create a second version of me to fight with."

He walks around, yelling the same thing to every other person.

One girl with demon horns was reading during role-call, which caught the Major's attention. "My name is H-Hanse Majin. I have the emitter of the demonic. I can't r-really use it though." The crowd goes silent. The mood of Grayson worsens. "What do you mean..." he says, in a dark and mellow tone. "I can't..." she replies. "I'm going to ask you one more time...What. Do. You. Mean." "The power is too strong. I'd lose control easily...I was the main cause of the 'Incineration of 466'-" Grayson walks away, symbolizing his amount of sympathy.

Brown haired boy with headphones, Anbu Mazume - Emitter : Cyclones- He can control wind with his hand motions.

Blind boy with red bandana over his eyes, Rico Corvex - Emitter : Eyes- He can see further than anyone else can.

Pinkhaired Upbeat girl, Vera Broosho - Emitter : Body Shifting- She can manipulate the molecular structure of their body and shapeshift into many forms including objects and weapons.

Dark amber haired girl, green skin, Sookie Yaki - Emitter : Ghost - She can haunt people and phase through walls.

Blue haired boy with one blue horn, Arcane Syko - Emitter : Time Rift - he can create time rifts to teleport items from the past/future to the present.

Major Grayson walks towards me. I'm certain he's still upset about this morning. "Well, well, sleeping beauty." I could hear the snickers of some of the cadets. "EYES FRONT, RUNTS!" Quickly, the silent laughter stops. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME AND EMITTER, SNOOZE!" "My name is Yena Litcher, sir! My emitter is Emberform!" Grayson wipes the sweat off of his bald, pale head. The sun was beaming down on the entirety of the cadets. Heatwaves could be seen by the naked eye. "Emberform..." Grayson went into a deep thought about what I said.

After the role-call ended, the Cadet unit had to clean out the dormitory since I was late. Night falls, everyone else went to sleep in their bunks. In the male corridor, I gazed out the window, getting a good glimpse of the moon, thinking about what I'm getting myself into. The moonlight became scarce as the clouds began covering it. After the light eventually fades away for a few minutes, I start making my way to my bunk with Anbu.

While laying down, the only thing I hear is the glowing crickets outside and Anbu's snoring. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. Nobody was aware of the knock because it was around 3 in the morning, especially Anbu. I open the door, and too my surprise it's the girl with Ghost power, Sookie. "Um hey, I couldn't sleep over Vera's snoring." Sookie says to me, holding a rolled up green sleeping bag in her right arm. "It's kind of ironic, Anbu is snoring up a storm here."

All of the cadets, including the girls had to wear the same pajamas: Pale baby blue tops with pale navy blue and black striped P.J pants. But for me, it was something about how it looked on her green skin that gave me a shock-like feeling, it was attractive to me. Although they didn't match her hair, her eyes complimented her skin.

"Well, did you want to sleep on the roof?" She asked me. I always found it somewhat romantic to sleep under the stars, like in the movies. "That would be awesome, but there's no way up." I look around to see if there is a ladder, crate, or something to simply crawl up. "There's always a way up." She takes my hand and glows a faint white glow that faded onto me. She begins to levitate along with me and my sleeping bag. I never knew that the Ghost ability also had the ability to defy gravity.

This feeling I felt.. It was nothing I never felt before. It was almost like a stomach ache, but without the pain. We talked for a while before eventually falling asleep. While she slept in her bag only a couple inches away from mine, I gazed at the stars one last time. I notice a twinkle in the stars, before eventually falling into a deep sleep.

I wake up a couple hours before the role-call. Still, everyone is still asleep, including Sookie who somehow moved closer to me in her sleep. I look up at the rising sun and still see the twinkle in the stars. It sounds impossible because the stars and moon should already be gone until tonight.

The ground began to rumble so slight that its almost unnoticeable if you don't pay attention. The twinkle became a bigger light as the ground shook more and more. I start to see a star ship heading straight for the yard. Sookie wakes up from the rumbling, and I rush out to the yard to intercept the ship. It lands flat into my palm, and I see two figures inside the ship. A loud beep sounds, and the two jumps out and disappear. I threw the ship into the forest not expecting anything but a few fallen trees. A large explosion happens, leaves goes flying because of the harsh winds. I struggle to stand while falling backwards. Then the two figures reappear before me.

I see a red and blue caped figure with Gray metal suits.

"It is you! You are the one who I, Spade; The Gemini of Justice, shall beat!"


To be continued...

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