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Hi there, I'm Harvey Celestine and this is my story. 

Growing up, I was very comfortable and lived in affluence. My mother was a famous singer and my father was an actor. This meant that I grew up not only in wealth, but also in the spotlight. 

Right from when I was a baby, I've always been followed around alongside my parents, with cameras by the paparazzi even though my parents didn't mind. I didn’t seem to mind either.

As I grew up, I grew to love the attention I always seemed to receive from the press and even soon started nursing dreams to become a big time artist just like my mom or my dad. 

But there was just one problem. I. Was. Talentless. 

Yep. I didn't know how to do anything except stuff my face with food, sleep and watch movies. Maybe if there was a show for lazy people I'd shine there because I was pretty sure that I was the laziest human being that ever walked the planet. 

What's worse, my parents actually tried to help me find something I was good at. Needless to say that it was hopeless as I almost twisted my ankle in ballet class, sent everyone running away from the hall in singing class, almost broke my neck on the ice rink, ruined a beautiful painting in art class and gave everyone food poisoning in cooking class. 

By the time I was 16 and ready to start freshman year at high school, I had already given up on anything that had to do with fame and popularity. So, I decided that I would give it my all and my very best when I went to school since I obviously wasn't good at anything else. 

I was very excited because, well, I had been homeschooled my entire life and was looking forward to finally going to an actual school.

I ironed my clothes and placed them on the bed beside me, the Sunday night before. I kept on waking up at various intervals in the middle of the night all because of my excitement. Eventually, I decided that I would sit up and wait for the morning to come, so I went and sat at my desk. It didn’t take long before I snoozed off

Immediately my alarm went off the next morning, my eyes flew open and I literally ran into the bathroom to take a shower. 

I rushed out, connecting my phone to my speaker and playing some music on it. 

I hummed along to "Roger That" by well, my mom as I got ready, ripping off the towel from myself and picking up my clothes to put them on. 

"You say, look prettier and get your hair done I say, Roger that" I sang along with the speaker enthusiastically. 

"You say fix your bloody posture and get your nails fixed, I say ..... Roger that!". 

Soon, I heard my mother chuckle on the other side of the door as she knocked. "You say comb that bird's nest of hair you carry on about, I say ...". 

"Roger that, Roger that, Roger that" I replied from inside, swinging open the door. 

"Morning, Harvey". My mom sang. 

"Morning, mommy" I smiled. 

"You ready?". 

"I've been ready for the past five weeks". I was bouncing on my heels. I heard my mom’s amused chuckle from the other side of the door.

The drive to school was long and I kept on looking out the window and asking if we were there yet. 

"Harvey!" Mom cried. "When we're there, you'll know". 

"But I want to know now" I whined. 

"Follow me on maps then" she replied, looking over her shoulder. 

"Right" I agreed, immediately fishing out my phone and checking out the address of the private school I would be attending. "Oh wow. We're about five minutes away". 

"Happy?" Mom asked. 

I smiled with a shake of my head and continued looking at my phone. 

As we pulled up into the school premises, I stared up in awe. It was huge. Not like what I had seen in movies. 

"Whoa" I breathed against the glass. 

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Mom asked. 

"Yeah" I sighed. 

"You'll love it here. I happen to know the principal and she's such a lovely woman. Plus, this is like one of the best schools in the entire country as well as the most glamorous. Definitely your style". 

I relaxed into the car seat and crossed my arms. "Definitely my style", I agreed. "You really do know me, don't you?". 

"I guess I do". Mom smiled cheekily. 

Immediately me and mom got out of the car, the students that were around started to stop whatever they were doing, discussions they were having and whatnot. They turned to look at me and mom with wide eyes. 

"Uh, mom? Why are they looking at us like that?". I looked to my mother, clueless. 

Mom shrugged at first. "I don't know...... Wait, Harvey, run!". 

And mom broke into a run, shocking me. But then I heard a girl yell, "look, everyone, it's Angela Celestine and her daughter!". 

"Oh no!" I exclaimed and ran too. 

I could hear my mother laughing loudly as she ran. Her hair had fallen from the loose ponytail she had worn it in and was now dancing around her as she ran. 

I laughed too and took out my own hair band, letting my hair roam free. 

When mom reached the school doors, she paused and waited for me to catch up. "Hurry up, Harvey" she cried as I huffed and puffed and tried to catch up. 

The crowd of students ran too and I think they were laughing as well. I wonder if they thought it funny that me and mom were acting like little children because they were all giggling too, reaching out to take snaps with their phones. 

When I got to mom, we entered the school building and shut the door behind us. 

Me and mom laughed wildly, holding each other. "Quick, let's go find the principal before these kids get here" she suggested and we both went to find the principal. 

After that, mom still ended up taking photos with the whole school after we had seen the principal, and I made countless new friends. 

When dad heard of the story, he burst out in uncontrollable laughter. "I told you to go with your bodyguards, didn't I?" He chuckled. 

"Well then it wouldn't have been as much fun, would it?" She grinned. 

I became popular in school almost immediately and made a bunch of friends. One friend in particular that I made was Maria. She was one of the popular girls in school and made me feel right at home in Stargaze Private High.

She invited me to all the cool parties and all the sleepovers and gave me a tour around the school which took almost one week to complete because of how large the school was. 

I instantly fit myself right in and what's better, I was doing well academically. I had finally found something I could do well. Academics. And I wasn't letting it go. 

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