The Trip

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It was around 19p.m when you finally came home from the set. You sitted on your sofa and looked down at your phone. You opened the chat and saw two unread messages from Bella.

You two have know each other since two years but you became friends last year when TLOU shooting first began. Now you were meeting few times a week, often just you two and sometimes with Pedro or somebody else. You could say you kinda like them but you didn't know if they did too.

"Wanna hung out?" You read and replied immidiately "Where?". You didn't wait long for his message "The one restaurant i told you yesterday. I'll pick you up in like 15min " he offers "Okaaay" you answer and run to your wardrobe to chose some outfit. You pick some jeans and sweatshirt and change quickly.

Suddenly you hear the sound of honk and see the car in front of your house. You leave the house and run to the car. The door opens and you see Bella wearing black jacket and their glasses "Get in looser we're going on a trip "they say as you get yourself to the car. "No way!!! You know that meme!!" You say while fasten your seatbelt. "You said we were going to a restaurant"." And we are" she said" At first there and then i have a surprise for you". "Really? " you yell and meet their gaze. "Ofc" they say still looking in your eyes.

They're looking so pretty with his hair in a bun and this baddie outfit."How badass" you say, looking at their leather jacket. "I knew you'll like it" they smiled at you and pick a playlist. By the time you get to a restaurant you have already listened to a few the neigbourhood songs. You unfasten your seatbelt and make your way to get off the car when Bella opens the door and gently grabs your hand. You blush a bit and let them lead you to the entry.

You sit in a corner and grab some menu. You watch the menu but can't choose anything so you ask them " so.. what are you ordering?" "I don't know but maybe that burrito"they look at you again. "Everything you want, princess " you say and watch them laughing. You order and wait for the burrito. You are talking about your day on the set when a waiter brings your food. "Large" you say locking your eyes with Bella " I'm not sure If I'm able to eat it all". "Then I'll help you "they say and start eating.

15 minutes later you finish a meal and leave the local. Bella help you get in to her car again." You're such a gentleman you know that? " You say looking at their pretty brown eyes. " Just for you" they reply and give you a shy smile. They get in and start to drive. "Where are we going?" you ask out of curiosity "I told you it's a surprise" they say "soon you'll find out" he winks to you and turns on another playlist but now it's girl in red. You ride while talking about how was his day when she suddenly says " close your eyes". You do that and they reach for your hand. They lead you somwhere and you feel small wind.

You can open"they say and remove their hands. You open your eyes and see a wide beach and an ocean in front of you. "No way!!" You say while looking at one of your favourite places. "How did you know I love going here?". "Well..I know you really long and you are very bad at hiding sth from me"they laugh and grab your hand.

You sit on the blanket and watch the sunset together. You sit there in silence when you put your head on their shoulder. You don't wait long as they move her hand in your hair and began to stroke it."This is the best surprise I could ever get " you laugh as you snuggle into them.

A/N note: Hi everybody! That's my first Bella fic and I hope you liked it . Also what are your thoughts on TLOU finale?

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