Art Deco- Mildred Hubble x reader

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is gonna be different, I planned it for a long time. It's Mildred Hubble x reader because I finally finished TWW and can write it. Enjoy ✨

Y/n's pov.
Today is gonna be the best day of your life. You're finally changing school. You've studied in Pentangle's for 2 years and It was like nightmare. You had two close friends but they got expelled last month. Without them nobody likes you and everyone calls you a freak, after one accident, you don't wanna talk about. You hope this will change, that you'll meet some cool friends. You pack your bags and look in the mirror. You fix your hair a bit and go to say goodbye to your parents.

•2 hours later•
Mildred's pov.
It's a normal day and I'm sitting alone in my room. It's the very beggining of 3rd year, sun shines outside ,rays come into my room. I'm studying for the potion exam which is in a moment when door suddenly opens "Hiii Mil!!" Enid runs in my room"Hi Enid"I stand up and hug her. Then I get back to reading my potion notes when Enid continues "Guess what!" she waits for my reply "Hm?" I say still looking on my notes.

"We have new girl in class!!" says Enid and sits next to me"Really??How cool!" I exclaim. It's nice to meet someone new. "Come on Mil, she's here;" Enid takes me out of the room. We began to go down the stairs. After a while we're on the first floor, i can see Ms.Cackle with new girl.

The girl is too far so i can't see her face. They are approaching slowly, it seems that Ms.Cackle is showing her around. "Hello girls" Ms.Cackle stops ahead of us "This is our new student -y/n l/n" the girl approach to us.

I look at her and my heartbeat suddenly stops. She has y/H/C hair and beautiful y/E/C eyes .
Sun rays fall on her hair what makes her hair sparkle. Unexpectedly she looks me in the eyes and I feel like I met an angel. My cheeks turn dark red when she fixes her hair. Suddenly Enid nudges me on the shoulder "Mildred are you alive? Enid frowns. " Um, yeah" I say and I remind that I didn't introduce myself to y/n. "H-Hi , I'm Mildred. Welcome to Cackle's" I smile nervously.

I try not to act gay but that's impossible with that girl. I didn't tell Enid and Maud that I'm gay because i'm not sure how would they react. "Mildred are you okay with sharing your room with y/n ?" asked me Ms.Cackle "Yeah" I reply mesmerized but quickly calm down."And y/n?" asks headteacher " Of course" says very happy y/n and smiles to me again, what causes another blush on my face."S-oo let's go to your new room" I say and walk to the stairs with y/n following me.

Later in the afternoon
Y/n's pov.
You are in your new room drawing in your sketchbook. Mildred is sitting in front of you on her bed, learning for the potion exam. Earlier you talked with her about school, people and your hobbies. It turned out that you two are really similar. She is interseted in art like you and her mom is an artist. She also showed you some of
her drawings.

You look at her and smile. Mildred is very very pretty. You like her brown braids and cute brown eyes. Also when she blushed when You met her...That was... Maybe she isn't straight? You can't take your eyes away of her focused on potions learning. You catch yourself on staring but its too late. Mill turns your gaze to you and asks you shy " Something wrong?" She bit her lip. "No, just watching my model" you say and sketch again. "Wait.. You drew me?" Mildred rises up and runs to you. "Yeah. You were really silent and other so I could do my work" you respond and show her your sketch.

Mildred sits close to you, her arms touching yours. You can feel her body shaking like she was very nervous. She takes your sketchbook in her hands and watch the sketch. "It's gorgeous" she finally says and look you deep in the eyes. She moves closer and you feel the tension in the air. You blush hard and put down the sketchbook. Mildred moves closer to you and the tension gets higher. You break the silence by pulling her by her waist and kissing gently on the lips. Suddenly a thought comes to your mind"What if she is straight? It's possibile, she didn't kiss you back"you break the kiss and feel a bit shamely. You look in the floor with Mildred next to you. "I sh-" she pulls you close and kiss you passionately on the lips. You put your hands on her arms and sit on her lap while kissing. She lean in the kiss as you do.

You feel the sweet taste of her lip gloss and kiss her greedily when HB suddenly appears in your room. You quickly move away from Millie, and blush hard."What's going on girls?" Ms.Hardbroom yells "What are you doing?!". "Actually we are learning for tomorrow's test" Millie cleans her throat "Yeah. We are revising the invisibility potion" y/n confirm by showing her your notes.

"I know you both lie" says HB" I'll pretend I didn't see it" she desapears leaving you in peaceful silence. "Woah.I can't believe she did that" you exclaim shocked."Maybe we don't know something " says Millie and began to laugh. After a while you also laughs and laughter echoes trough the room.

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