School Affair

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You walked in the class and sat alone by the window.You came too early and there wasn't any of your "friends". You didn't mind, after all they were all fake. You pretend that you like them but that wasn't true.

They always hung out with you with the aim of blackmail you for some money. Sometimes you gave them but when you didn't some of them stopped talking to you. Anyway, you were really popular even if you didn't want to.

You began to unpack your backpack and take out your book. It's your favourite one and you start reading where you finished. It's really quiet so you unzip your backpack again and take out your headphones. You turn on Midnights when see quite a lot notifications. You open the chat and notice about 50 messages from your "friends". You sigh and close your phone. It seems that whole school knows you.

Suddenly the door opens and the crowd of pupils run indside your class. Your favourite english teacher- Ms.Grant enters behind them. You put your haedphones and book in your backpack and prepare for the lesson."Heyy y/n" you hear in the back and turn to face that person. It's one of your fake friends and the worst nightmare - Natalie Wang.

She always cheats you on the test and asks you for the money. You don't talk with her much but she wants to be friends with you so bad."Um...Hi Natalie" you respond quickly hoping she'll leave you alone. And of course that won't happen because she announces excitedly " Did you know that we have a new girl in the class?".For this words you turn to face her with curiosity"That what? And when will she come?" you ask her"She is supposed to come today" says blonde girl when the door suddenly opens.

At the beggining you don't see new girl because you sit at the end of a class. Finally you notice the person who is now standing in front of you and all class. You lean out to see her better and...Oh my goodness...he's so.. She's so extremely hot. They have brown hair and pretty round eyes. he is kinda short definitely shorter than you. She is wearing checked shirt and black wide jeans. You also notice some cute rings on their fingers.

" This is our new student - Bella Ramsey"Ms.Grant introduce the girl. "Bella" you say in your mind."Pretty name for a pretty girl ". The girl looks around the class and passes his eyes on pupils faces. Then their gaze stops on you. He stares at you and your heart starts to beat faster. She smiles to you and your cheeks turn pink.

"Alright,so who wants to show the new girl around the school?"asks Ms.Grant." Actually I'm genderfluid "says Bella. "Oh, I'm so sorry"says teacher "and i use all pronouns" adds Bella and moves from leg to leg. You can tell they are very nervous. But who wouldn't? Standing in front of a people you don't know and telling them that you're gay.

" Ms. Grant? I can show them around" you break out suddenly. "Great " says the teacher and smiles to you " You can go now"drives you with hand movement. You rise up from chair and walks to Bella. "Hi Bella, I'm y/n" you say a bit shy and shake your hand. His hand is hot and soft. You accidentaly hook on one of her rings and quickly take your hand. "Nice to meet ya, y/n" there's something about the way they pronounce your name that makes you blush. "You too" you respond and turn back.

You don't want your class to see you blushing and like that. But it's impossible. You hear Natalie whispering something to your other friend and looking at you. Shit. You enter the class with Bella and walks through the corridor. "So this is our..." you began to show Bella around.

They say nothing and look at you every now and then. When you enter the third floor Bella suddenly says "Why r u so stressed? " and looks you in the eyes. "Um...I...I don't usually show around very pretty classmates " you say suddenly."oh fuck. Why the hell did u said that y/n?!?! What's gotten into you?!" Oh thank you. And I don't always have beautiful guides" they blink to you.

After guided Bella you both come back to classroom. All of your friends look at you as you enter the class with Bella. You sit in your bench alone when he suddenly joins you."OMG, what's actually happening?!He wants to sit with me?". They unpack their things and write the topic.

"Hey Bella "one of your friends talk to them. "Cool rings" says Angela and smiles flirty to your new friend. "Thanks " Bella responds evasively."You seem cool Bell, wanna hung up?" asks Virginia. You send them both murderous look. "Um no thanks "respond Bella and looks at you. You turn back around threaten Virginia and Angela at sign."Oh someone is jealousss"drags the last letter Jessica. "Y/n's in love?" girls laugh. Your cheeks turn pink and your fists are clenching "Leave her alone!" Bella defends you suddenly. "Now!" girls stop laughing. "Thank you" you say to Bella."There's no need" He smiles to you widely "They just don't deserve you".

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