A Monster's Rage

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Raven rapidly paled as she locked eyes with Garou, suppressing a shudder at the aura he exuded. Her heart beat wildly, screaming and roaring in her chest for her to run.

It was too late for running.

Garou's fists were clenched in fury as he fully got to his feet, blood dripping from his body as his golden eyes stared at the small body ahead. Her bruises screamed out to him, her own blood sounding with her phantom cries of pain.

They were going to pay.

Garou was gone before anyone could even seem him move, disappearing into thing air across the forest. Raven tensed herself, preparing to enter battle. But Garou never appeared before her, the only change in her environment being a yelp of a tribe member. She turned slightly to face the man, the one who had been holding the Schnee Brat-

She was gone.

Weiss was no longer in the man's arms, hell, looking around, she wasn't anywhere. Raven craned her head around the area, blood-red eyes attempting locate either Garou or the girl. But she failed to notice her target approaching behind her and her tribe, having already delivered Weiss to a safe and secluded location.


Raven's breath hitched as she turned to face the source of the voice, eyes locking with an intense yellow that stared her down. The bloodied Garou was giving her a hollow gaze, but even without any visible anger, it was one of the most frightening things Raven had ever seen.

"How did you-"

"You hurt a child."


I'm going to beat you all within an inch of your lives."

That was the only warning Raven got.

Faster than her eyes could see, Garou blitzed in front of her, delivering a ludicrously powerful blow to her stomach with his glowing, blue hands. Raven coughed up blood, her barely recovered aura providing little defense against his strike. But he wasn't done, delivering a series of powerful blows against her chest, punches so strong that his fists were left as imprints in her chest, bursts of air coming from her torso. He then finished his combo with a guttural roar and a powerful punch to Raven's face, the sickening crack heard upon impact telling him that he had shattered her jaw.


Garou then felt sharp stings in his back, followed by the sonic bomb produced by the bullets. He growled in annoyance,  turning to block the next volley of shots with blurred hands. The bullets were deflected with expert skill, shredding the treeline behind him.

"Why won't you just die?!" A voice roared from behind Garou, a large man jumping up to swing down a large battle axe on his head. Garou caught the blade with one hand, utilizing his other to preform a series of strikes with the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist that sliced the man's aura apart and left deep gashed in his chest and arms. Garou then almost growled in rage, sending a hard fist into the man's chest that blew him away.

"Come and get some, you bastards!" Garou could feel his body screaming in rage, an almost inhuman sense of white-hot strength filled his veins. He couldn't remember a time he had been so angry, thoughts of his new companion racing through his mind.

"P-please...don't leave yet...I don't w-want you to leave me, Mister Garou. Please...."

"No one l-loves me...everyone hates me...except you. So please..."

"You're amazing, Mister Garou....thank you."

Garou could almost picture the image of the little girl's bloodied body, curtesy of Raven. His anger grew, emanating in a primal scream that sent a fist flying across the battle-field at speeds thousands of times faster than sound. It met its target nigh-instantly, sending a man flying with the force of an erupting volcano. He slammed through the treeline, out of commission.

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