chapter 2

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Pete followed macua but he was stopped in the signal but he sees the macua car was blocked by the car followed them. Then their two bodyguards were get shots by them. Pete stay there calm bcoz Pete is alone but there 5 person. They kidnap macua to the old factory. Pete follow them they then ask macua to call his brother, and they demand Khun Vegas to be there on 10 minutes otherwise macua will die. Then other person in the gang ask why you call Vegas here then the first person first we have to destroy minor mansion  by killing their heirs first we kill his little brother then when reach here will kill him , it makes Pete angry how dare they lay hand on macua.

  Pete then notices three of them were going outside so he followed them he take his gun and set to silent and shot the three person. Now he left has no bullets.  He then go back to macua he sees they were about kill macua by aiming gun in macua head. Pete then run to them, he stop them by calling them they fight with Pete, macua was crying hard but he seems happy to see phi Pete. Then one guy shot to Pete but Pete get escaped but the shots reach the other person in the gang. Only one left , he aim gun towards macua but Pete shot him in head by taking the gun from the dead person.  Pete go to macua and untie his rope and macua hugged Pete started to cry. Then foot steps reach them they turn to see Vegas standing there with emotions, tears. Macua run to macua and hug him. After sometime macua says Hia phi Pete saves me. Vegas then sees Pete and ask how did you come here? Pete says I assigned to guard both mansion by roaming around to find any doubt person. I saw one car is following Khun macua car so I followed them. Macua then says Hia they planned to kill us. Vegas says I know macua then they reach minor mansion. Pete reach major mansion Khun Korn appreciate Pete. Khun kinn also appreciate him.

Next morning, It was Pete day off he want to spend his time meaningful. So he go to mall for shopping, but someone hand touch Pete shoulder he turn to see macua he smile at him. Macua hugged him. Pete smile was dropped by Vegas entry. Macua ask Pete to join them but Pete say no to him. Macua become sad Vegas then says you join us I will never mind. Pete then agree to macua, both macua and Pete just wondered like kids Vegas watch them silently. Vegas see Pete smiles, his cute dimples Vegas think that I have seen this cute dimples where?

( Bcoz Vegas see 5 years old Pete in his 7 years only he don't even know his name bcoz that time he called him as little boy)

Vegas then tells macua it's time to leave.  Pete then says goodbye to macua and he went to other side. Vegas then ask nop to take macua to home. Bcoz Vegas get doubted on Pete whether he is spying or not?  Vegas sees that Pete were buying ice cream he enjoy that ice cream like kid. Vegas admire Pete behaviour. Pete 
feels someone is eyeing him so he went to one cosmetics shop were the store is full of mirror. Then he sees Vegas behind him but he just come out from their. Pete phone rings he answer the call he says where he is and hang up the call. Vegas get curious about to whom he is talking after sometime one of the Khun no body guard joined pete they were purchasing the list. Vegas then see how Pete always shows his dimples to other man but when Vegas stand Infront of him he always bow down never talk unnecessary. Vegas then watch Arm behaviour towards Pete he is admiring Pete lovingly. Pete don't have any energy to shop so he asked arm to go back they reached the parking area and leave from there. Vegas watch them silently.

     Next morning, Vegas went to major mansion for arranging teams for mission. Khun Korn, Khun gun,kinn everyone where in the meeting after their discussion ends. Khun Korn ordered both kinn and Vegas to choose their bodyguard for their team. Khun kinn get up from his seat and stand Infront of their guards same as Vegas did. Kinn first select big bcoz he don't want anyone to doubt Porsche and him. Then Vegas select Porsche,kinn look at him angrily but Vegas smirk at him. Then kinn select pol,ping, ken. Vegas select Arm, Pete and nop. 

  Khun Korn inform everyone to stay in anyother hotel near their target places. So everyone pack their things went to the hotel near the target they only get the simple hotel near them with only 5 rooms vaccant. Then Vegas pair them with room Big and Ken in one room, ping and nop in 3nd, Arm and pol in 3rd room, then Vegas says I want to discuss something's about mission to Porsche do he will be with me. Kinn, Pete will stay with you. Kinn then stop Vegas and says we all discussed mission earlier so what is there to discuss. Vegas replied it's my personal he is in my team you don't need to rise question against me. They finally settled in their room Porsche ask Vegas about the discussion, vegas want to say something so that he will never be doubt by Porsche. Bcoz Khun gun already ask Vegas to stay beside Porsche and Vegas also feels for Porsche he don't want kinn with Porsche so, he just talk about mission randomly to Porsche. At midnight, Porsche get up from the bed and went to kinn room. He knock the door Pete open the door. Porsche ask where is kinn Pete look at him mockingly Porsche then shyly pull the Pete inside. Then Porsche ask Pete to go to his room and take sleep there today. Pete was shocked by him, bcoz in his room Vegas is there so Pete hesitate first. But he convinced him Pete take his phone and wallet and go outside. But outside the room Vegas stand their by listening their conversation. When Pete come outside he went to his room quickly. Vegas heart broken bcoz he feels for Porsche from the first he sees him other then his father order. Vegas then control himself bcoz he knows Pete will be here soon so he again layback in his bed. But after waiting for 20 minutes Pete never shown Vegas then goes outside. He never find Pete in the corridor. So he walk around to search for Pete he found him in the terrace. Pete was looking at the sky by laying in the floor. Vegas see Pete difficulty bcoz it's very cold outside. Vegas then go stand beside Pete, Pete sees Vegas and stand fearfully and ask Khun Vegas what can I do for you Khun? Vegas then go near Pete but Pete steps back then Vegas hold Pete arm and drag him to their room. Pete afraid to speak to Vegas .Vegas then forcefully push Pete to the bed. Vegas then go to other side of the bed and go to sleep. Pete have no words he simply lay on the bed without disturbing Vegas. Pete don't get sleep so he slowly turn to Vegas side to his surprise Vegas also turn to him. Pete then close his eyes. Vegas ask Pete why you didn't come to the room to sleep? Pete open his eyes and says Khun Vegas I thought you sleep already so I didn't distrub you Khun. Pete know how Vegas always sees Porsche  with a lot of love he sees sadness in Vegas face.

Vegas: I want to ask you something Pete is Porsche loves kinn?

Pete: Khun Vegas.....yes Khun.
He can sees Vegas emotions in faces.

Vegas:  He think about his mother. He loves his mother so much after her death he loves macua but when he fall for Porsche he loves him like he loves his mother and brother without knowing to him tears are coming from his eyes.
    Someone wipe his tears, Vegas turn and see Pete. Pete is wiping Vegas tears. Vegas want someone to cry on their shoulder .Pete then sit on the bed says Khun Vegas I am leaving you take your own time by saying that he turn to stand but someone pull him that was Khun Vegas. Vegas pull him to hug and cry on his shoulder. Pete don't know how to react so he pat Vegas back. After 5 minutes Vegas come to sense and pull Pete.  Pete then get up from the bed about to leave but he hears Vegas harsh tone if you say someone about what happened here you will be dead by my hand. Remember it.

Pete: yes Khun I never says anyone about this.

On mission day, everyone get ready in their spot. Vegas is the one who is going to talk to their opposite gang directly if they feel something wrong then kinn will. Vegas were with Pete, Arm in their truck front and he ask nop,Porsche to hide in their truck and also he order nop to protect Porsche. Everything went has planned they enter the place but two come Infront of them they check three us but one of the guard check Pete for 2 times Vegas observe him he sees Pete in lustful manners. Pete also try to move his hand but the person was shot by Vegas the other man try attack him Vegas shot him also. To their luck Vegas used his silence gun they move head. They meet the gang leader he also welcome Vegas but their results were war. Opposite gang started to shoot Vegas inform kinn,kinn , Porsche and others entered to help Vegas. The war was going like hell when the opposite gang were dead completely only two guards and head were there. Kinn and Vegas make him kneel down but he laughed like he win the war. All of us were seeing him he says I am not that much dumb , I know very well about theeranpakyul so I already have my way to save my life by pointing other side. All sees other side Vegas shout by saying macua name yes he kidnap macua..!!!!

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